Home Decorating

Addition onto the Back of our House : Update 3


I definitely am overdue on this blog post! It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on the back addition- so here is your update!

So, electrical is all done! I had to figure out where I wanted lights, can lights, how many can lights to do, outlets, etc. Lots of little decisions! We ended up doing a total of 8 can lights and 2 pendant lights. The way our living room will be set up, one light would not of worked – we would’ve had to swag the light over to be in the center of our living area and I did not want to do that. I’m hoping I placed them in the right space, sometimes it can be so hard to picture it without actually seeing the lights up. But, I feel good about my decision! We shall see when the lights get installed! I also made sure all of our lights were put on a dimmer- literally makes SUCH a difference!

Insulation is all installed and the windows are in!!! I am SO SO SO happy I chose to do a bunch of larger windows. All of the natural light in this space is going to be SO good!

Over here is our fireplace, I am doing a more modern, simple “California-esq” look.

Eventually this sliding glass door will be taken out and we will be making this into a larger opening. I have toyed with the idea of doing an arched opening but I’m still pondering that. This last week they have been working on our duct work for the ac/heater. I believe next step is maybe drywall? But I’m not sure!

This window will be moved to the other side of the house eventually!

And our beautiful backyard! LOL

Our plans are to do a large brick patio back here, with a fireplace and pergola. There are lots of options on how to do it all, something Matt and I are still trying to figure all out. I think we are going to try to do the brick pavers ourselves (I say we but I really mean Matt) to save money. We will re-sod as well and really try to make this a beautiful space we want to spend time in. It’s not going to be a big backyard by any means but I think it can still be beautiful and functional for our family!

It’s been a little rough this summer not having a backyard for the girls really to play in. They still jump on the trampoline quite a bit though! Thankfully our contractor put up this fence for us so our dogs can still be let outside to go to the bathroom. I can’t wait to re-do all of this!

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