Box-Dyed Hair/My Experience + Some Tips!
Have any of you had a bad experience with boxed hair dye?! My hand is raised, probably along with yours. Back in high school I used the Revlon Frost & Glow kit to highlight my hair frequently. It had the cap and hook and that white bleach stuff you stirred up in a small plastic container. Anyone else use that?! Right before my sophomore year, I decided to dye my highlighted tresses dark brown. Except when I was all done and looked in the mirror, my hair was not dark brown, it was BLACK. Like SUPER BLACK. It looked similar to a witch’s hair wig you would buy for Halloween. Needless to say my mom was not happy when she came home from work and I was not happy either. Luckily I was able to get it fixed a few weeks after. Since that day I have vowed to NEVER have an experience like that again!
Typically I get my hair done at the salon but every great once in a while, I’ll get the itch for a quick change and I’ll grab some hair dye at the store. The last few weeks I’ve been wanting to go back darker so on a whim the other day I grabbed some hair dye. I bought this hair dye!
Tip #1: when wanting to dye your hair darker: Always get 2 to 3 shades lighter on the box than want you want. I’ve found the color, on me anyways, ALWAYS turns out much darker than the shade on the box. (Hence witch’s black hair wig fiasco.

Tip #2: Wear clothes you don’t want ruined, drape an old towel over you because you will get dye on it and have a wet washcloth nearby to wipe off any dye that gets on your face.

I wanted a color with a subtle red tint to it and this color had just that. In the sun light you can definitely see the hint of red. By the way, none of these photos are edited so you can see the true color!

Tip # 3: Don’t go from extremes when dying your own hair at home. If you have dark hair, do not try to put blonde highlights in it. You will end up with orange hair.
Tip #4: Dye your roots first. (I use a comb to kind of do sections.) And then work it through the rest of your hair. Be sure you get every single little strand!
Overall I am really happy with the color! If you don’t have a ton of money to spend on getting your hair done, you can always try it yourself at home.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Would love to hear any stories you have of your boxed hair-dye experiences!