Girl Mom * Wife * Jesus * Design * Oils
I’ve recently had the thought, “I wonder when I look back on pictures of me 1-2 years from now, if I will wonder why in the world I put on faux freckles everyday?” Kind of like in 6th grade when I wore white lipstick every single day, couldn’t go without it, and now, look back […]
Hello! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a blog post this year! I am excited to be getting back into the swing of things and have lots of ideas and projects I want to share with you all! At times, I can fall into the mindset that people don’t really read blogs anymore- […]
As I say farewell to another year, I always like to reflect back on it. I read through my journal, look at pictures and am reminded of many things I’ve forgotten. I am one who always gets excited for a new year- lots of possibilities ahead and I tend to get a little pep in […]
Lately, God keeps putting this phrase on my heart, “take care of your flock”. As one chapter of life has ended and another begun, I have questioned what God wants me to do. I think all of us who love God want to do big things for Him. If I’m honest, for myself as well. […]
Cleaning is a part of everyday life, especially for us parents who stay at home with little ones- it’s a pretty big part of life. I rounded up all of my favorite cleaning supplies from Amazon. These are all products I personally own and use on a consistent basis, as well as items I truly […]
Everyday, you must look for the little things to bring you joy. A hot cup of coffee, a good book, some praise and worship music, a hot bubble bath, etc. I try to make everyday life as magical and beautiful as I can; although a lot of my life is messy and less than magical. […]
This morning I wrote in my journal : “Today, Emmy went to preschool.” Except she did not go to preschool, she went to Kindergarten. Maybe this was my subconscious not wanting to admit she is gone. The years have gone so fast- faster than I could’ve ever imagined they would. So many new beginnings. Jayde […]
Some days it can make my insides scream, the constant doing and undoing. Chores to be done again, again and again. Much like a factory worker on a line, the same motions, day in and day out. Not all days are bad but every now and then, rage bubbles up in me. I dread wiping […]
Home. I’ve lived in an old white house, corn fields surrounding. My dog, Roosevelt on the cement block of porch. My horse, Brownie in the field. My sisters all about. As I grew, so did the house. Rooms added on, one by one throughout the years. I was brought to that home a baby and […]