December Bucket List – Be Intentional
It is December! One of my favorite months out of the whole year! While December can be wonderful and magical, it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. I’ve definitely had years where the month of December left me feeling depleted and worn down and I do not desire to repeat that experience. (Some things are out of our control, but some things are.) Last month, I made a November bucket list and it really helped me slow down, be intentional and focus on what I could do THAT DAY to enjoy the month. Thus, I made a December bucket list for this month! I really think by looking at celebrating Christmas this whole month instead of cramming everything in around the week of Christmas, will help me enjoy all the little things, instead of me being stressed trying to fit them in. Last month, I did not achieve everything on my November bucket list- and that’s ok! Hopefully this list gets you thinking about the little things that make this month magical and how you can intentionally focus on some of these things during the next few weeks! I’m printing mine out and hanging it up in the kitchen!
December Bucket List