Dining Room Spring Decor
Hello! This morning has been a very productive morning which always feels good! In my quiet time this morning (or semi-quiet anyways, Emmy and cartoons was in my background), I started thinking about a conversation I had with someone the other day. I left the conversation realizing I had put myself down, many times, for various things during our talk. And I started asking myself, “Why?”. Why did I feel the need to talk negatively about myself to this person? I didn’t go into the conversation with that intent but that’s what happened and it bothered me.
I think sometimes I can put myself down as a self protection mode. Like, I will say it before you can think it type of thing. Or if you are thinking it and I say it, it somehow makes it less worse. Like at least I’m not in the dark, you know? This is obviously not healthy but after this morning I think I gained more understanding into why I do this sometimes. And I vowed to not let this happen again. In all reality, it probably will, if I’m being honest, because I’m human and it’s very hard to get out of the habit of doing something that you’ve done for a very long time. But I am aware and conscious of it and I have no desire to have a conversation with someone again where I put myself down repeatedly.
Dining Room Spring Decor
Now that I got that out of the way, lol, I want to share our dining room spring decor!

One of the things I did was swap out some of the cozy textured pillow covers for different ones on our bench. I found these affordable ones on Amazon that I used and grabbed some other ones I already had in storage.

I added a plant on my shelves as well as a few other random finds. I always try to keep the same color scheme with open shelving so that it all flows well together.

For our centerpiece I did a rubber tree plant in this cement pot, a ceramic bowl and then put some white rocks in a glass jar with my favorite faux candle which you can purchase here. In the past I’ve tried to do more elaborate tablescapes but with our family it just isn’t practical.

Someday I would love to add an actual built in seating bench here in replacement of this one but it works great for now.

The girls really do enjoy having this bench with cozy pillows. Do they get dirty? Yes. But nothing a little scrubbing or washing can’t fix! Homework & crafts & coloring is usually done here.

Just by making some simple changes like swapping out pillow covers, putting together a new table centerpiece and re-decorating the open shelves; our dining room is now spring ready!