Fall Decor Seasons

Fall Favorites- Planning Out My Fall Decor- Never Too Early for the Best Season Out There


It is not a secret that I LOVE fall. The weather mostly. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I know some of you all are probably cringing as you read this post- but I am too excited to wait! The last couple of years I have sat down and planned out my decor for the different seasons. It brings joy to me and I enjoy doing it! This year I am thinking blues and oranges- lots of natural decor- think pinecones, etc. I try to incorporate items that feel like fall but also items that we can use on a daily basis- not just signs that I have to find some place to store. That’s one of the biggest changes I’ve made in my decorating style over the years. Ends up saving me money and storage space!

Fall Favorites


Crow Mat – This crow mat is appropriate for fall and Halloween!

Anthro Blue Rug – I scored this rug on sale at Anthropologie- it’s an indoor/outdoor rug and I love the print and colors- I will layer this under the crow mat.

Throw Blanket – Can one ever have too many throw blankets? I think not. I love the texture that this has, the tassels and print. I did order this one (will update you soon if I think it’s a good buy or not.)

Wreath – This is a simple, affordable wreath- will put on my front porch somewhere.

Blue Pumpkins – I get a little jealous of people in bigger cities who have access to real pumpkins sooner than we do here (Trader Joes seems to have them always very early). Nevertheless I plan on searching for blue pumpkins to adorn our porch and inside of our home. (Next year hopefully I will have some of my very own grown.)

Orange Pumpkins – Have always loved cinderella pumpkins and always will- I think these will be nice with the blue pumpkins.

Bird Flour Towel – Every year I buy a new dish towel for our kitchen – this one is so pretty.

Wood Measuring Cups – Measuring cups you might be thinking? The wood texture feels fall’ish to me- remember that decor doesn’t just have to be signs and big pumpkins!

Aria Diffuser – My aria diffuser brings me SO much joy- fall is one of my favorite times to diffuse all the yummy scents. You will not be disappointed with this purchase.

Fall Moody Art Prints – I like buying digital art prints on Etsy for cheap (this set cost only $11) and then I print them out at my local Walgreens. I especially love this owl print- think I already know where he will go.

Coffee Mug – I have a plethora of coffee mugs but am always wanting to add more. Anyone else this way?

Fringe Pillow Cover – I have this fringe pillow cover and love the texture of this.

Clay Velvet Pillow Cover – This is one of my favorite pillow covers I own and it was under $20!

Faux Flickering Candles – During the fall season cozy pockets of light are what make me feel like our home is warm and cozy – I love these faux flickering candles.

Faux Flickering Candle Sticks – Just purchased these- something I can use year round!

Faux Blue Thistle Stem – Blue is a color I want to incorporate into my decor- these are affordable stems that I’m going to try out.

Metal Bowl – Copper screams fall. This metal bowl would be perfect filled with some pinecones.

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