Life & Motherhood

Friday Chit-Chat: spring cleaning, soccer & snow

Happy Friday!! I thought I would start something new here on the blog, a Friday “chit-chat” weekly post, talking about whatever I feel like talking about! πŸ™‚ Kind of a re-cap of my week, thoughts, recipes I liked, etc. Let me know if you like these kind of posts!

Spring Cleaning

This week I continued working on my spring cleaning. For a printable checklist I’m using you can go here to print yours. My master bathroom is done and the other day I tackled my master bedroom closet and it was literally CRAZY how much stuff I threw out/donated. We got rid of our dresser and ordered a new one at the beginning of November last year and we are still without one. Super annoying but a first world problem, nonetheless. I had just kind of thrown all of my stuff from my dresser into boxes in my closet and it had become super unorganized over the last few months. It feels so good to walk into my closet now with everything in its place and organized. I went through all my clothes and donated items I haven’t worn in forever. Only keep what brings you joy, that is my motto thanks to Marie Kondo!

Soccer Practice

Softball and soccer practice started this week for our girls. Matt is head coach of one soccer team and assistant to the other; so we are busy busy this time of year. During times when we are rushing multiple kids to practices, grabbing fast food for dinner is what ends up happening a lot of times. I am going to try to do better about meal planning during busy weeknights. One of my goals for the next few months!


The snow and rain is really messing up my weekend plans. I feel like every time when March rolls around we get teased with nice weather and then, bam, snow. I actually prefer the cooler weather but I am SO anxious to get started on outside projects. I really wanted to get started working on the back patio but that will have to wait. To see what I have planned you can go here. I guess this weekend it is more spring cleaning for me!

Emersyn is getting SO big! She is such a bright light in our family; the girls adore her, she has Matt wrapped around her little finger and I enjoy spending my days with her while the other girls are at school. She LOVES to eat, literally asks for a snack every hour on the hour. She is quite smart and ornery. Not a good combo sometimes. Is a little artist, whether that’s drawing on kitchen cabinets, the walls or a coloring book! And every day she says a new word or two. Time is a thief!

Thanks for stopping by guys and I hope you all have a great weekend!