Girl’s Playroom Makeover Mood Board

I am getting ready to start an exciting project, the girl’s playroom! We have lived here for over 5 years and I have literally not touched it. Toys have been placed in there (usually are strewn all over the floor) and that’s about it. Matt and I were talking recently and I was telling him how I wanted to eventually makeover the playroom for the girls. He made the comment that they aren’t getting any younger (#truth) so I thought what better time than now to tackle it! Bye bye beige walls!
Design Plan
The playroom is in our basement with no windows so my plan is to keep it light and bright. I’ll be painting the walls white and am planning on doing a feature wall. A lot of my budget went to the wall mural, but I think it will be absolutely adorable and make a big impact. Because I spent a lot of money on that I am planning on diy’ing some things to keep the rest of my cost down. A diy chalkboard house, sprucing up the play kitchen they already have and some other fun things is on my agenda. Think whimsical classic woodland. That’s what I’m going for!
When making over a space, I always like to start out with as clean of a slate as possible. A few weeks ago the girls and me went through every. single. toy. downstairs. It was honestly quite the task but we did it nonetheless. We donated a lot and threw out others that were broken. This is something we always do before Christmas; have to make room for the more toys that are coming! But I’ve found with it organized, the girls have played in there a ton more than in the past. So that is something I am keeping in mind when re-doing it; going to try to keep it simple! Try is the key word. 🙂
Below, you can find shoppable links of things I’m putting in the playroom. I can’t wait to get started on it after the holidays! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!