Goodbye 2022
At the end of the year I always like to take some time to reflect on the last 12 months of my life. I journal on a pretty consistent basis so skimming through my entries helps me remember what actually went on in my life for the year. Last Christmas my sisters, mom and I also made a mood board for our new year – something I’ve done the last few years. We cut out pictures and words from magazines that we wanted to focus on for the new year ahead and made a collage. I’ve had it taped up next to my bathroom mirror so I see it everyday. Thought I’d jot down and share with you all some of my thoughts on the year 2022.

There were many positives in the year 2022- I drank more water, ate healthier food, took care of my mental health, had more fun, didn’t take myself so seriously, read lots of great books, and went on more dates with Matt than we have in previous years. I think I probably laughed more this last year than the previous one, had lots of kitchen dance parties with my younger girls (older girls think I’m weird so never joined in), and received my first check from doing this blog! I implemented a chore chart at the beginning of this year and it has been LIFE CHANGING. For real. Emmy started preschool, 2 days after she started I drove 2 hours to buy Marley (our new baby cocker spaniel) and Jayde made the vb and bb team in middle school! (Also, still in shock that we have an actual 7th grader. How am I that old, again??!) My sister took family pictures for us and they turned out amazing. Over Thanksgiving I faced my fears and rode a horse (used to all the time when I was little) and I LOVED it. Think I’m going to have to make it a recurring thing.
Matt’s mom and dad took the whole family to Florida and the girls rode an airplane for the first time, as well as saw the ocean- that was a magical moment. We went to the mountains with my mom, dad and family and the 3 older girls went rafting for the first time- they had a blast, as did I. We celebrated birthdays and holidays; ate cake and trick or treated. The girls grew inches- Jayde has almost surpassed me in height- I’m guessing 2023 will be her year to do that. I did countless projects around the home- all of which you can see here on my blog- I think my favorite thing I did was my stenciled front porch floor. Still love it so much.

2022, like any year, was full of some not so easy things as well. Such is life, right? New mental and physical health issues arose that we are still figuring out. As we entered a new phase of parenting, a lot of hardships took place. New rules to make, new things to figure out, new questions being asked, more complicated problems, and less control being had. I’ll just be quite honest- I have STRUGGLED in this area and God has been doing some major work in me. I am quite sure he is not done with me- but as we go into the year 2023 I recently have a renewed outlook and insight into it all and I’m feeling hopeful.
This year God really showed me how my desire to control everything around me is not benefiting others nor myself and that it’s not actually the answer to some of our family’s issues. I’m a fixer. A doer. I process things quickly and am ready in the blink of an eye to do whatever needs to be done. Sometimes though, problems take time to fix. And more often than not there is no magical button you can press to fix it. It takes time. And sometimes there is nothing I can do- I have no control. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Aghhhh – just typing that makes me feel quite frustrated inside. “Let go and let God”, is something I’ve been repeating to myself over and over these last few weeks. And some things that I define as “problems”, God is showing me they are really not at all an issue like I think they are.
This year I didn’t exercise half as much as what I planned on. I didn’t lose the pounds I wanted to either. I did not become a morning person. Did not get my photos printed out and put in the girls’ albums. New experiences and issues lead me down a road of insecurity and questioning myself some days, some weeks for that matter. I’ve always had a lot of pride in my mothering but this year that was shattered. God will do that sometimes for our own benefit, even if it doesn’t feel that way at times. I did not turn our master bedroom into a retreat like I wanted to- someday it will happen. I really wanted to learn to bake a loaf of good bread- I think I baked 2 loaves this whole year – and they weren’t that great.

Overall, 2022 has been a blessing. Another year gifted to me. I’ve grown, learned, struggled and faced my fears. My family is beautiful, my girls and husband are healthy and I just love them so so much and want to be the best mom, wife and example that I can be for them. I thank God for another year with my loved ones and for His grace, forgiveness and love.

Looking ahead to 2023, I am excited for what’s to come. My word for the year is GLOW: “to emit bright light”, “a light emitted”. I want to be a bright light for others – I want God to change me, mold me and shape me into who He created me to be. I want to show others unconditional love. So, GLOW it is! After taking some time to ponder what I want to focus on in the next year, here is where I’m at:
Glow. Be a bright light.
More God, Less Me.
De-Clutter. Like Major Decluttering. I’m talking extreme measures being taken.
Take care of my health. Physical, mental. Get my blood taken and checked. Maybe hormones checked as well. Make the time for those appointments that I feel like I have no time for.
Read lots of books.
Write a children’s book. (Probably one of my biggest goals this year and most terrifying.)
A Merry Home.
Lose some pounds. (Cliche’? Yes. But nonetheless I want to.)
More Quiet. Not in the sense of my kids being more quiet (although that would be wonderful as well – more so ok with quiet in terms of tv, technology, my phone.)
Being OK with not being seen.
Invite my girls into my world and teach them things alongside me.
Lots of writing.
Starting a garden.
Having a Holiday Open House. (I’ve always wanted to do this- share my decorating with others in our community, make some items to sell, and just create a fun event for people to enjoy. THIS is going to be the year I do this!)
If you read this whole post I am quite impressed and appreciate you taking the time to read! I am always hopeful for a new year, a new beginning, a fresh start.
Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom friend! I can hold you accountable to a few of those things. 😉😘 Glow is a great works for you and I have no doubt you will do the things you put your mind to. Love you and thank you for doing life with me!
Love you Chelsea!!