Fall Decor Home Decorating Seasons

Halloween in the Entry

This last weekend I pulled out my Halloween decor and put some of it out! I didn’t go all out like usual because our living room is all out of sorts. I sold our large hutch a month or two ago where I would typically put a lot of decor. All that’s in the living room is literally a couch and loveseat, no end table or nothing, so not too many spots to put out decor. In the next few months some exciting changes are going to be happening in there which I can’t wait to share with you all. Some of these things we’ve been wanting to do for 5 years, since we’ve moved into our home, and we are pretty excited we are finally in a place where we can do them. Stay tuned, it’s gonna be pretty good. 🙂

I did decorate our entry with some spooky items. These witches’ hats are a new buy this year.

I purchased a set of 8 here. I hung the rest on our porch, which I will show you that space soon!

Set of 8 witches’ hats

I used fishing line and some small eyelet screws to hang them. The fishing line makes them seem like they are floating in the air!

I strung some spooky spiderwebs here and added this cute jack-o-lantern on our entry table.

I added a crow on the bench to add another spooky element. I am not too much into really creepy, gory items, but love whimsical decorations like these hats for Halloween. The girls think they are so fun!
