Life & Motherhood

Happy New Year!

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Happy 2020!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve! We rang in the New Years at home, in our pjs, with some Sparkling Apple-Mango juice because the traditional Sparkling Grape juice we usually get was all sold out. We had the noisy maker things, the sparkly “Happy New Year” headbands and take-out. It was a pretty great evening. I was the only one who made it to mid-night, not surprisingly. But all the girls slept in this morning which like never happens so I still got plenty of sleep!

I am a resolution maker person. I think it’s important to take some time and reflect on life. The end of a year and the beginning of a new one allows one to do that. I wanted to compile all of my thoughts into one place today and thought I’d share them all with you.

I like to focus on a word or two for the year and a bible verse. My word for 2019 was “trust”. My bible verse was Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.” I really wanted to focus on trusting God in every area of my life. 2019 had it’s ups and downs as most years do. Bringing Emersyn into this world was by far the BEST part of 2019. She has been such a joy and has completed our little family.


2019 had it’s fair share of downs though as well. Not trying to be negative but just real. 2019 was not my best year. There were hard, discouraging times in multiple areas of my life, both mentally and physically. When I really started to reflect on the year, 2019, I felt in some ways I took a few steps backwards. I felt like the progress I thought I had made in certain areas all came crashing down on me and what I thought was true, really wasn’t. But after more time reflecting, I can honestly say the hard things of 2019…. I am happy they happened because things that needed to be changed, wouldn’t of been changed, unless those hard things took place. I wish I could say I trusted God through it all but I didn’t. I tried. Really hard. But I didn’t always trust. I took matters into my own hands too many times to count. But I did grow. I did trust HIM more than what I did in years prior so there was success.


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I am so excited for 2020 and all the possibilities that it holds! I have two words for this year: Intentionality and Discipline. Being intentional in my relationships, my health, my time and my finances. And being disciplined enough to follow through in these areas. I always have good intentions but more often than not life just kind of takes over and I can just kind of throw my hands up in the air and say, “whatever, it’s not worth it, I give up”. That’s where discipline comes in. My goal is to not let life take over my life.Β 

My bible verse for the year: Ephesians 5:15-17 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”Β 

I’m going to share some of my goals with you all. I have lots more but they are a lot more personal. I think writing out your goals is a really important step in making goals. Having them wrote down solidifies them instead of them just floating around in your head.

  1. Rise early before the girls- Quiet time with God- continue to grow and pursue Him
  2. Less time on technology (I have made “rules” for myself in this area)
  3. Health- This is a BIG one for me. I’ve been more sick in the last 6 months than I ever have been and I’m just fed up with it! This year I am going to focus on taking better care of myself. Eat healthier, less eating out, lose the rest of the baby weight (Emersyn is almost 1 so I can’t use that as an excuse anymore….darnit…), use Fitness Pal (an awesome app that has helped me lose weight in the past), workout 2-3x a week, go to bed earlier, take my vitamins (hate swallowing pills so I don’t always do a good job of this), get more sleep, and I’m going to start lifting weights.
  4. Simplify. Get rid of stuff. Things I don’t love, things we don’t use. Donate.

My hope is that some of this will help you in making resolutions for yourself. If you haven’t yet, take some time and reflect on your year, write down some goals, choose a bible verse to remember and focus on throughout your year. I have my verse taped inside my bathroom cabinet so I see it everyday.

I really do hope this year brings you all the good things. I hope you love and laugh more, I hope you go on adventures, step out of your comfort zone, grow closer to God, take a risk or two, grow more comfortable in your skin, gain a good quality friend, chase your dreams and give yourself and the people around you more grace.

I’m so thankful if you took time to come on over today and read my post. Thanks for stopping by!