How To Age Terracotta Pots
Hello friends! I hope you have had a great September so far! Can you believe we are about halfway done with this month?! While our weather here hasn’t felt much like fall, I have still been working on bringing fall to our home. To see some of my favorite fall pillows you can go here. The other day Emersyn and me picked out some flowers for our front porch. I had bought some terracotta pots a while ago and wanted them to look like they’ve been around for a while. I love the look of aged terracotta pots and wanted to share how I “aged” them!
Shopping For Flowers

These photos are precious to me and I want them to live forever on my site! We had a lot of fun picking out flowers together (along with bunny). Go here to see Emersyn last fall; how is she so big now in just a matter of 1 year?!

This old cart was a find at Junkstock in Nebraska, go to this post to learn more about it! It’s coming up and worth a trip!

How To Age Terracotta Pots

This was one of the easiest diy’s I think I’ve ever done. I mixed hot water and about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of salt in a spray bottle and shook it to combine.

Simply spray the mixture all over your terracotta pots. I did not do the inside of the pots (I’ve heard salt can kill plants, not sure if it’s true or not but would rather be safe than sorry).

Near the end, I did just take the spray part off and dump the rest of the mixture all over the pots. Next step is to let the pots dry.

Since this was my first time doing this, I wasn’t sure if it would work or not, but it did! Yay!

Something I’ve noticed is as the day goes on and the sun starts to hit the pots, the “white parts” that cause the pots to look aged stand out more. We will see as time goes on if the pots continue to “age”.

You get a little sneak peek of our fall porch! I still need to go searching for some more pumpkins before I’m ready to share the whole thing!

I can’t believe I’ve never used terracotta pots on our porch?! They are so pretty, something I think I’m going to be keeping a permanent part.

After a hard morning’s work…. a sucker was definitely earned.

Thanks for stopping by!!
xoxo Kayla