Life & Motherhood

“I’ll Pray For You”


“I’ll pray for you.”

I see these words typed out over and over again- when tragedy strikes, when troubles come, when sickness and suffering ensues. When conflict and violence take place. When tears flow. I’ve declared these words hundreds of times myself.

Saying them is easy – but do you follow through?

I’m going to be real honest, uncomfortably honest. I don’t always follow through.

The words come out and I go on with my day and I forget. I type them out and continue my scroll. And sometimes I wonder, “Why pray when what’s done is done? Do my prayers even matter? Are they really going to make a difference? God has already decided this-my prayers aren’t going to change His mind. This person just lost a loved one- how are my prayers going to help their unbearable grief?” Something I’ve wrestled with again and again and again.

And then I go to God’s word:

2 Chronicles 31: 27 God heard their prayer from his holy dwelling in heaven.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Never stop praying.

James 5:13 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

Psalm 20:5 May the Lord answer all your prayers.

Acts 10:31 Your prayer has been heard.

Revelations 5:8 They held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.

These are just a few examples, but praying is talked about over and over again in the bible.

I go to His word and I am reminded. Prayers are important. Praying for others is important. God hears our prayers and answers them, just not always in the way we would like. And this stirs something inside of me- to not just casually type or speak, “I’ll pray for you”, without actually doing so.

Today, I pray, that whoever reads this post will be blessed, will find comfort in God’s word, will feel God’s love and will be convicted like myself, to pray and to have faith that God does hear our prayers.

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