Life & Motherhood

Morning Walk Thoughts

This morning on my walk/run (first time in a LONG time), about 20 minutes into it- my left heel started burning. Unknown to me it had been rubbing against my shoe and now was red, sore and angry. I tried pulling up my sock to cover the spot for an immediate fix but with every step I took, the spot still hurt. Once I reached our porch I quickly pulled off my tennis shoes and some relief took place.

In my life- this very thing happens. We go about our days- choices, habits and words accumulating. A harsh word here, impatience the next, fast food for dinner not once but 3 times last week, sleeping in instead of exercising, spending money we don’t have. At first we don’t feel the affects- but after some time we start to feel the hurt. The pain. Areas in our lives become red, sore and angry. We try to quickly fix the issues but realize the damage has been done and time and change will be the only things to fix our troubles.

My next walk (with a little running included) I will make different choices. I will choose different shoes- will maybe even research what kind of walking shoes are the best. And if I want areas in my life to change, then different choices must be made. Kind words instead of harsh, healthy food instead of greasy fries, rising early instead of hitting the snooze, spending time with loved ones instead of spending it on my phone.

Choices become habits.

What habits are you forming?