Fall Decor

Fall Puzzles

Last night, I scattered puzzle pieces on our new puzzle table in the corner of our new living room. (Can’t wait to share that with you all here soon!) I have dreamed of having a puzzle table for years and we now have the space for one which makes me so happy. The tv was […]

Life & Motherhood


This morning I wrote in my journal : “Today, Emmy went to preschool.” Except she did not go to preschool, she went to Kindergarten. Maybe this was my subconscious not wanting to admit she is gone. The years have gone so fast- faster than I could’ve ever imagined they would. So many new beginnings. Jayde […]

Fall Decor

Fall Porch

The weather may still be hot but my mind is starting to think about fall and all the wonderful things that come along with it!! I rounded up some fall items for the porch! Links below! links Lucy Doormat Faux Birch Autumn Tree Terracotta Pumpkins Ghost Lights Bats Blanket