Home Decorating

Sectional Sofa Pros & Cons

A few weeks ago we finally received our new sectional from Ashley Homestore. We ordered it back at the beginning of November but because of covid didn’t receive it until now. I LOVE it so much; was definitely worth the wait! To be fully honest, I was really nervous about the cream color but that’s what I really envisioned in this space. So far chocolate, apple juice, mud, among other things have been spilt or smeared on this couch and I can happily say with a little bit of dish soap and a wet rag, they have all come out super easily. The fabric is pre-treated for stains which I am very thankful for. Also, we don’t really let the girls eat in the living room besides popcorn and crackers and non-messy items like that so that definitely helps. Emersyn does sometimes like to sneak food (hence the smeared chocolate). πŸ™‚

Before our sectional we had this couch and rocker recliner set that we purchased when we bought our home. At the time I had no idea what my style for this home would be, the house was rustic and dark so I tried to match my style to that. I was also adamant that we had a rocker/recliner in this space because when we moved Brielle was only 3 months old and it was important to me that I could rock her in our living room.

We were a little nervous to order a sectional since we were so used to having our rocker recliners and separate couch but overall we are happy we made the switch. I thought it’d be helpful to do a review of the sectional and what it’s pros and cons are.

Pros of Sectional

More appealing to the eye – In my opinion, in a smaller space a sectional is more appealing to the eye. It doesn’t take up as much room, allowing more room for other pieces of furniture. There are various sizes and shapes available. Our living room is pretty small and the sectional works much better in here than 2 separate pieces.
Coziness- Sectionals have a cozy feel to them. They feel more laid back than formal.
Great for families – Families can easily cuddle up on a sectional for family movie night. It can fit a lot of people and there are more spots to actually lay down together. Matt and I watched the movie, “Something Borrowed” on it last Friday and it was so cozy and comfortable. (I’ve been more into watching older movies than newer ones lately! Anyone else like this?)
Comfortable- I was worried our sectional wouldn’t be as comfortable as our other furniture and that I would miss the recliners. Honestly though, I find our sectional more comfortable. I don’t miss having the recliners at all.

Cons of Sectional

Can’t rearrange- If you are somebody who likes changing furniture around, with sectionals you are pretty much stuck with what you have. With our set-up before, we couldn’t re-arrange what we had anyways, so this does not bother me.
Not super great if you entertain a lot- So if you have a couple people over, a sectional can be great. But if you entertain a lot of people, you might want to take that into consideration. We have family come down quite often and with our old furniture I liked that there was more defined, separate spaces for them to sit. Now, everyone will have to sit super close to one another. Good thing we all like one another!
In general, sectionals are more expensive than a couch and loveseat set- This really depends on each individual piece but usually sectionals are going to cost you a little more.

My overall thoughts? I am happy we switched up our furniture for a sectional! It has completely changed the feel and look of our living room and now feels more like my style. Still need to find a small coffee table and end table for the space, still on the hunt! I will say, the one thing I do miss is being able to rock Emersyn in here but she has a rocking chair in her room and we have one downstairs so it’s not a super big deal. Hopefully this will help you in deciding whether a sectional is for you or not.

Thanks for stopping by!