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Simple Halloween Entry

I love Halloween! What makes it the most fun is having kids and seeing it through their eyes. Emersyn is OBSESSED with anything spooky or Halloween-ish; she has been like that for the last 6 months now! She is at such a fun age; when I was setting this up she got so excited. I don’t have all of my decorations out yet, our kitchen is still being worked on as I type. Our bedroom is our makeshift pantry right now and our laundry room is stacked with kitchen items as well. Even though some of our house is a mess, my goal was to make one area “spooky” today. With that being said, here is our simple Halloween entry.

Last year I hung these witches’ hats up in our entry; to see what I did last year you can go here. I loved that look last Halloween and was tempted to do the same thing again but I wanted to try something different this year. I also used some of these witches’ hats on our front porch, go here for that post.

Discombobulated Witch

Many years ago I made these “witch umbrellas”. I have attempted hanging them on our front porch the last few years but that dang Kansas wind always blows them down. I have tried everything to get them to stay hanging but I finally accepted the fact I would not be able to use them outside anymore. My thought for the entryway was a discombobulated witch. I used fishing wire and a small eyelet screw to hang these pieces from the ceiling. (Total secret thought I will share with you all: when making these witch umbrellas I always thought about how cool they would look hanging in a window display in a home decor store, in a cute little building downtown.) Maybe someday, you never know. πŸ™‚

Last year I purchased this metal jack-o-lantern, spray painted it white and put my desert mist diffuser in it. The desert mist diffuser has a flicker candle setting on it which makes this jack-o-lantern the perfect spot to house it. I cannot find this exact one but here is one similar.

I added this spooky crow and that completes this Halloween space! Simple! Easy! Whimsical and a little spooky! My favorite way to decorate for Halloween.

Do you decorate for Halloween?!

xoxo Kayla