Life & Motherhood

Simple Things That Bring Joy


Everyday, you must look for the little things to bring you joy. A hot cup of coffee, a good book, some praise and worship music, a hot bubble bath, etc. I try to make everyday life as magical and beautiful as I can; although a lot of my life is messy and less than magical. Also, there’s some days where I’m a little cranky and irritated and maybe don’t have the best attitude. Such is life. But in the mess there is always beauty, somewhere, even if it’s hidden. I compiled a list of simple things that bring me joy and made a fun, free printable for you all! I’m going to print mine out and put it up somewhere I will see it often. On days when my day is less than magical or my attitude is lousy, my hope is I go to this list and find something to do that will spark some joy!

free printable

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