Spring in the Kitchen – Lindsey Letters Serenity Prayer & Fresh Cut Branches
It is officially spring. I always welcome a new season; usually am always ready for a change. Life though- not always. Life’s new seasons aren’t as predictable. They come barreling in, sometimes unwelcomed, not caring that I’m not ready for different; that I’m still trying to grasp onto what once was. But there’s growth in the unknown. Growth, clarity and wisdom intertwined together, roots growing deeper – a product from life’s demand for change. And here I sit and type, preparing for new seasons ahead. It seems as if I’m on the brink of one and I would be lying if I didn’t say it’s bittersweet. The away of the old and coming of the new. Much like spring.
Bringing Spring into the Kitchen

An easy and free way to bring spring indoors – simply clip some blooming stems and put in a vase of water. Instant beauty.

Lindsay Letters Serenity Prayer Print

Lindsey Letter’s anything, I adore. But this print holds special meaning to me- not only do I love this style of print but this prayer is something we would pray every time before meal time growing up. I grew up Catholic and after reciting our “Catholic prayer”, my dad had us all pray this : “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.” Every meal. Every time. And when we go back home, we still do to this day. Very thankful I had parents who sat down with us girls at meal time and who taught us about God and His love. The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I am to have been raised the way I was.