Home Decorating

Tempar Wallpaper in Laundry Room

During this social isolation time I am trying to stay as busy as possible! Not hard with 4 daughters! Being at home has really been my experience the last 8-10 years of my life. Obviously not to this extent of course, but being a stay at home mom and consistently scheduling everything around nap times, feedings, etc., I really am at home a lot. I’ve found for me, especially in recent years, projects keep me sane. I don’t like sitting around a lot and I would rather be working on a project than laying on my couch taking a nap. I honestly don’t like naps. My mom says even as a little girl I would fight nap time. See mom, it’s just how I’m made!

I read a quote a few weeks back that stuck with me: “she defined the creative impulse as “making something more beautiful than it has to be.” That’s it. I find making our home as cozy, safe, warm, and hygge as I possibly can, brings me joy. It’s important. It’s valuable. It’s joy-giving to me and hopefully to my loved ones who live here.

My project this last weekend was to hang up wallpaper in our laundry room. I had some leftover from my fridge project in our kitchen. It took me under an hour to put up and I love the big impact it makes!

Before: This was my first makeover on the laundry room. At the time I was still trying to figure out my style in our new home. And Matt had asked me to paint it yellow… so I did…. reluctantly!


Super cute, right?!

This wallpaper is one my favorites. You can purchase it HERE. I have noticed the price has gone up since I bought mine.

Not too long ago we installed the bead board, hooks and painted it white. It really helped brighten up the space and made it more useful. 

The wallpaper adds such a fun design element.

The hardest part is getting your seams and patterns to match up. Once you get the hang of it though it goes pretty quickly! Like anything in life, the more you practice, the better you will get at it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay safe!