The Whole World in His Hands
I am in my bed with down covers and an abundance of cozy throw pillows surrounding me. The air conditioner is running and my home is at a comfortable 72 degrees. Doors are locked, alarm is set. My children are sleeping peacefully not too far away from me and in the morning we will eat pancakes at our kitchen island with morning cartoons on the tv.
I am safe. I am comfortable. I am free. Not by my own accord; but free nonetheless.
But my heart aches and there’s a weight on my chest as I lie in my bed tonight.
Women, men and children all went to bed, just like me, and woke up the next day to a different world. A dangerous, terrifying one where evil all of a sudden prevailed. In the span of 24 hours their lives changed, just like that. No morning cartoons. No pancakes.
I’m conflicted on whom and what to trust. I hear one fact and then read the opposite the next day. At times I get so overwhelmed with all the information that I shut it all out and live in my bubble of a life, not letting my mind go to disheartening thoughts. I pray but question if it helps. I feel guilt for my biggest problem today being a clogged sink. I try to imagine what these poor people are going through but I can’t possibly know the fear they are feeling; the desperation seeping out of their pores.
What I must go back to is this (inspired by a song I recently heard): “God has the WHOLE world in His hands“. When it seems like evil is prevailing and confusion surrounding, I hold on to that. That and the fact that this is not our permanent home. I’m not blind to the fact that it’s easy for me to say this when my world is not crumbling right before my eyes. Even though at times, I question if my prayers make any difference I know in God’s word it says they do.
Tonight, I pray for the innocent people of Afghanistan. Be with them God. Bring them whatever peace you can. Please take pity on them and save them. I pray for the soldiers that are fighting to help these innocent people- give them courage, strength, health and keep them from harms way. For the leaders in our country- may they seek YOUR will before making decisions, may YOU have a hand in all the ones they make. Please guide them. For the men, women and children who have no way out- please give them a way to escape. For the families who have lost loved ones already- comfort them and help them through their grief. Turn chaos into peace and grief into joy.
For you have the whole world in your hands. In the end, evil will not prevail. Good will have the final say.
So we’ll said.
Thank you for taking the time to read!