Life & Motherhood

Tiny Speck of a Thing

Trust God.

Trust yourself.

For years and years I’ve written and spoke the words, “Help me to trust You.”

I’ve analyzed, pondered, and researched my life. Always questioning if I’m truly doing what God wants me to do.

What areas do I need to improve in?

Rules and regulations creeping their way into my heart.

Even though Jesus disliked the Pharisees-people who were all about rules and regulations, their image and outward appearance but not their hearts and motives- I find myself grading myself on my performance.

I take myself too serious and laughter stops.

I write and erase.

Type and delete.

Questioning if this is what God wants.

So the words cease.

The questioning continues.

And I look around, thinking I’m missing something big.

I search but cannot find the hidden.

I pray but nothing comes.

But what if the hidden is right before my eyes in plain sight?

The laundry to fold.

The bills to pay.

To create, paint, design and make.

To love and hold and cry when others cry.

To laugh when they laugh.

To pray for those needing prayer.

To set the table and feed tiny mouths nourishment for their bodies.

To encourage.

To take Shadow on walks and scratch him behind his ears.

To vacuum the crumbs, wipe down the table and put the dishes away.

To make our house a home.

To smile at the stranger.

To tell the truth, even when it’s hard.

To hold my husband’s hand and listen.

To do the same things day in and day out, not realizing they all are creating the story of my life.

The mundane, tiny speck of a things- make a difference.

I learn to trust.

If I ask Him to lay on my heart His will- then I must follow the promptings that come from it.

Even if it’s no great big thing.

So I ask.

I listen.

And I trust.

Not only Him but myself.

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