A Mother’s Day Weekend
To My Fellow Moms,
Expectations can bring fulfillment or disappointment, more often than not, probably somewhere in-between. I have seen posts on social media about moms just wanting a day to themselves for Mother’s Day, no husbands or kids in tow. Maybe a spa day for one, ending with a night in a hotel eating greasy french fries with ranch and a glass of wine in the other hand, in serene silence. Or maybe just a day alone to go get coffee, eat a warm meal at a nice restaurant and do some shopping. A trip to the garden nursery perhaps. Or maybe a week long vacay alone to Switzerland. They all sound appealing.
I’ve also seen the latter.
A day spent with the whole family in the garden tending to the soil, planting seeds, little muddy hands a plenty. Church and then a nice dinner out so mom doesn’t have to cook. Time spent with your loved ones, no need to be alone when your blessings are right in front of you. Or maybe Mother’s Day doesn’t look much different than any other day for you, it’s simply just another day.
So many different opinions, outlooks, options, wants and needs.
And this is what I’m here to say, a reminder to myself as well, that whatever you desire- whether it’s time with your family, a few hours of alone time to eat Mexican food in bed, a day spent with your children or a day spent without- that it’s all ok. Whether you simply want a hot bubble bath alone, a night off of putting the kids to bed, or a round trip flight to Switzerland- that we are all just doing our best. We all have different personalities, circumstances, needs and desires.
So, here is to us moms. Whether you are raising your glass of wine in your hotel room in serene silence, or holding your glass of milk at the dinner table with lots of little pairs of bare feet and pb&j’s surrounding you- a toast to you!