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Box-Dyed Hair/My Experience + Some Tips!

Have any of you had a bad experience with boxed hair dye?! My hand is raised, probably along with yours. Back in high school I used the Revlon Frost & Glow kit to highlight my hair frequently. It had the cap and hook and that white bleach stuff you stirred up in a small plastic container. Anyone else use that?! Right before my sophomore year, I decided to dye my highlighted tresses dark brown. Except when I was all done and looked in the mirror, my hair was not dark brown, it was BLACK. Like SUPER BLACK. It looked similar to a witch’s hair wig you would buy for Halloween. Needless to say my mom was not happy when she came home from work and I was not happy either. Luckily I was able to get it fixed a few weeks after. Since that day I have vowed to NEVER have an experience like that again!

Typically I get my hair done at the salon but every great once in a while, I’ll get the itch for a quick change and I’ll grab some hair dye at the store. The last few weeks I’ve been wanting to go back darker so on a whim the other day I grabbed some hair dye. I bought this hair dye!

Tip #1: when wanting to dye your hair darker: Always get 2 to 3 shades lighter on the box than want you want. I’ve found the color, on me anyways, ALWAYS turns out much darker than the shade on the box. (Hence witch’s black hair wig fiasco.


Tip #2: Wear clothes you don’t want ruined, drape an old towel over you because you will get dye on it and have a wet washcloth nearby to wipe off any dye that gets on your face.

I wanted a color with a subtle red tint to it and this color had just that. In the sun light you can definitely see the hint of red. By the way, none of these photos are edited so you can see the true color!

Tip # 3: Don’t go from extremes when dying your own hair at home. If you have dark hair, do not try to put blonde highlights in it. You will end up with orange hair.

Tip #4: Dye your roots first. (I use a comb to kind of do sections.) And then work it through the rest of your hair. Be sure you get every single little strand!

Overall I am really happy with the color! If you don’t have a ton of money to spend on getting your hair done, you can always try it yourself at home.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Would love to hear any stories you have of your boxed hair-dye experiences!

Building Blocks


Sometimes it’s the little things that all pile together; much like wooden blocks that little hands stack. One by one they go up, higher and higher. The pile starts to tilt a little to the left so the next block is put on a tad to the right. Things are shaky but everything is still ok; the blocks still stand. But each block from this point on creates more instability until the last tiny, little block put on sends the tower crashing down. And such is life sometimes.

Doctor appointment and a round of antibiotics. Block.

A teething baby. Block.

Busyness. Block.

Another doctor appointment and another round of antibiotics. Block.

Tiredness. Block.

Anxiousness. Block.

Work stress. Block.

Cranky baby. Block.

Washer and dryer break. Block.

Fighting. Block.

Bad news. Block.

Dog gets mud all over the house. Block.

Can’t catch up on laundry. Block.

More doctor appointments. Block.

House is a mess. Block

More busyness. Block.

Exhaustion. Block.


I keep telling myself things will get better, that this too shall pass. And it helps. I take a deep breath and I get through it. I pray for patience and strength. I do what I need to do and try to do it with a smile. But sometimes in life the hits just keep on a coming and my smile turns into a grimace. Fortunately, it’s not huge, catastrophic events that leave me with a lump in my throat and a weight on my chest. It’s all these little, tiny events that just keep adding up. I feel guilt for not being able to hold it all together, for feeling stressed and frazzled. So many people have it worse than me, I should be able to handle these 4 kids and my life right now. I should be able to handle this cranky 1 year old who leaves me feeling exhausted more days than not.

I desire to have it together All. The. Time. Any other “I want to have it together all of the time” people out there? I hate it when I struggle. I hate it when life catches up to me and I feel like I can’t breathe. I hate it when I feel like I should be doing better. I hate it when the tiny, little block sends my tower crashing down.

Have you been here too?

Do you feel guilt because there are other people out there with much more hard things going on in their lives, and right now you feel like you can’t even handle your life? Do you feel like a failure?


I can’t handle it all.

My pride deceives me.  It tells me that I can and should be able to handle all of these things and that I’m a failure because I struggle at times.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

This was Paul speaking. At the time he was doing great works for the Lord but he had a thorn in his flesh. The bible never speaks of what the thorn was but it caused him rejection, hardships and sufferings. Paul pleaded for the Lord to take the thorn away, but He never did. Instead He told him he would be given God’s grace to bear it. And Paul rejoiced in his sufferings, in his weaknesses.

My power and strength comes from Him, not by my own fleshly doing.

My “thorns” will not all be removed by Him, nor will yours. Some will, but some wont. Old ones will wither away, but new ones may sprout up. I can pray and hope and wish, but Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33)

This means there will probably be more strep throat diagnoses in my future. More doctor appointments. More busyness. More exhaustion. More thorns in my flesh.

I am weak. I can’t handle it all on my own. But with God, I can get through anything. I will not always react the right way, my emotions will sometimes take over, I will at times be frustrated with my kids, with my circumstances, with my life and I will fail. Many times I’m sure. My blocks will crash down with a deafening boom.

But you know what the great thing about blocks is? You can re-build. Again. And again. And again. In-between your blocks of hardships, reinforce your tower with large blocks of truth.

“I can do all things with Christ.” Block.

“I am a child of God.” Block.

“He is for me, not against me.” Block.

“I am loved.” Block.

“I am precious in His sight.” Block.

“I am strong through Him.” Block.

“His mercies are new every morning.” Block.

“He has overcome the world.” Block.

“He remains faithful forever.” Block.

12 Year Anniversary


Today is my husband, Matt and I’s 12 year anniversary. 12 years seems like a life time but also like a fleeting moment at the same time.

Like any marriage, we’ve had ups and downs, highs and lows. We’ve experienced life’s greatest miracles x 4, the birth of our 4 daughters. We’ve also experienced life’s gut-punches, deaths of loved ones, leaving us in a cloud of grief. We’ve matured. Changed. Fought. Gained extra pounds. Lost some. Then gained some more. We’ve moved across state lines. We’ve started businesses. Bought houses that have turned into homes. Sent girls off to their first days of schools. Challenged one another. Brought out the best and worst in one another at times. Competed. We’ve ate lots of pizza and cheeseburgers together. Rocked with one another on our front porch. Rocked our 4 babies to sleep. We’ve played golf. Basketball. Tennis. Gone on trips. Grown in our faith. We’ve become more selfless and have realized this whole parenting gig is not for the faint of hearts. We’ve worried. Cried. Hugged. Rejoiced. Pushed buttons. We’ve grown. We’ve drank coffee together. Prayed together. We’ve coached. We’ve listened. And we’ve loved.

Love is a choice. The first few years of dating, getting engaged and then married was a whirlwind. In those years, love was a feeling. A, “I can’t live without you, encompassing, tremendous feeling.” I still get the feelings of being in love with Matt, as he does me. But when the newness wears off, the years go on and life’s inconveniences and challenges and beauty all mix together… love becomes a choice.

Marriage is hard. It is work. It is compromise and communication. Love is a whole lot of forgiveness and a whole lot of grace and plenty of selflessness. Anyone who tells you different is lying. I’ve cringed countless times when I’ve heard others say, “marriage shouldn’t be this much work.” Oh, but it should. And it is.

Love looks a little different these days than 12 years ago. Love is always making the pot of coffee in the morning. Love is letting me take a 3 1/2 hour nap while he gives baths and feeds 4 little girls supper. Love is listening to me go on about my crazy dreams. And likewise. Love is letting me paint and decorate the house to my heart’s desires. Love is taking me out to dinner. Love is finding a babysitter. Love is holding my hand. Love is allowing the large red KC Chiefs sign that doesn’t go with my decor. Love is putting the toilet seat down. Love is taking care of me when I’m sick. Putting your glass in the sink. Love is going to 5 different gas stations at 11:00 at night to buy me Benadryl for a bad allergic reaction to lash extensions. Love is cleaning up the throw up because the other person cannot stomach it. Love is bringing home pizza on a week full of strep throat. Love is doing the dishes. Love is allowing one another to do things that bring us joy- lifting weights and volleyball. Love is letting the other have a night out with friends. Putting another person’s needs and desires above your own. Something we’re still working on.

Marriage is a covenant, made in front of God, not to be taken lightly. Loving your spouse, who is an imperfect, messy, sinful being; is a beautiful way to serve God. God loves us in our mess and we should do the same. It’s messy and soul searching and frustrating and confusing and wonderful and beautiful all at the same time. It is work. But one of life’s greatest works if you ask me.

Happy 12 years Matt. May we always choose one another. May we always keep that competitive spirit that makes life more fun. And may I always continue to beat you at horse.

Love, Kaybabe

Shadow & Gusto

I’ve never been a morning person. I think I was the absolute worst in high school. Literally getting out of bed 10 minutes before I had to be at school. Sorry mom. But recently I heard someone say, “If you aren’t a morning person, I suggest you become one.” I’ve made excuses all these years of not having the time to exercise because I’m too busy throughout the day with my daughters and too tired in the evenings. And mornings were not an option because I just simply wasn’t a morning person until I decided I would now be one.

We have an almost 1 year old black golden-doodle, named Shadow. Shadow has a lot of gusto. A lot of zest. A lot of spirit. For the last few weeks I’ve been rising before the sun comes up and I take Shadow on a 2 mile walk. Well, actually let me re-phrase that. The first few times, Shadow took ME on a walk. A very fast walk. Not a very enjoyable one. Matt quickly bought him a head halter collar and that was a game changer.  Where the head goes, the body follows; just like a horse! Our walks have been much more enjoyable since. I’m the one leading the way, not him, although he still tries at times.

This morning though was a little bit of a different story. We made our way down the sidewalk when across the road came an owner with a beautiful husky. They made their way to us and as the dogs crossed paths, Shadow freaked out. As the beautiful husky trotted away calmly with his owner, I found myself basically lying on the pavement, holding back Shadow who had somehow gotten out of his head halter. He barked and pulled and I pulled back with all my might. Eventually I got the halter back on and realized I gave Shadow a little too much slack. He just wasn’t ready. I twisted the leash around my hand, tightening up my grip, and we went on our way.

And in that moment, God showed me that’s like Him and me. I want to go here or go there. I want to buy this thing or that. I want to chase after this thing that I think will bring me joy. I want freedom. I want to do what I want when I want. I want to pull and tug until I get my way.

But just like I pull back Shadow to keep him from harm’s way, God does the same for me.

I don’t understand sometimes. Why am I not getting what I want? Why is God not allowing this to happen? Why didn’t I get that job? That promotion? That thing? Why did this bad thing happen? Why would a God who loves me allow this to happen? Why is He holding me back when all I want to do is go?

Just like Shadow will never understand that the reason I am holding him back is because of my love for him and for his own good, I will maybe never understand reasons why God doesn’t give me what I want.

The bunny across the street looks tempting and delicious. And if caught, it would bring temporary satisfaction and joy to Shadow. But Shadow doesn’t see the truck coming down the road at 40 mph. He doesn’t see the semi that can’t stop at a moment’s notice. He doesn’t see the danger.

And I don’t see things that God sees.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

God isn’t out to get me and I’m not out to get Shadow. He’s not trying to make my life miserable or not allowing me to have fun. He is watching over me, protecting me, guiding me. It’s my choice if I will listen and obey, just like Shadow.

As Shadow and I continued our walk, we passed 2 more dogs, and the same thing happened. Except this time I was able to stay up on my two feet. I got frustrated and tightened the collar more and gave as little slack as I could the rest of the way home. I sat on my front porch steps, Shadow panting beside me, and I knew the rest of our walks from now on, I would give him little to no slack until he could show me he would listen and obey. It made me sad because I desire to give him some freedom. I want him to be able to explore a little bit and not be kept so tightly next to me but he must learn.

Just like Shadow, I am tested. Do I always pass the test? No. But God still loves me, just like I still love Shadow. Like Shadow, the more tests I pass, the more freedoms God will give me. I envision years from now, as more wrinkles make their way across my face, that I will be walking Shadow down the same sidewalk. No head halter collar will be needed. I will give him slack and freedom. But instead of making his way this way and that, he will be right next to me. No pulling. No tugging. No struggling.

And I hope for me, it’s the same way with God. I will stay close by his side, listening and obeying. Not struggling, pulling and tugging.

And I hope the same for you.

“The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” A psalm of David.

Lash Extensions vs. False Lashes

Hey guys! I feel like I haven’t written a post in forever. The last few weeks have been craziness. I’ll spare you the details but we’ve all been battling sicknesses the last few weeks. And no, we do not have coronavirus in case you were wondering. Praise the Lord. I think we are all almost fully recovered (please God) and I am ready to tackle some projects and enjoy summer in the next few months ahead!

During all the craziness I was SO excited because I had made an appointment for something that I’ve literally been wanting to try for like 3 years now. I made an appointment to get eyelash extensions! Like I said, something I’ve been wanting to do for years but never wanted to spend the money or simply take the time to do it. Besides the obvious look of them, I was mostly excited for the time it would save me getting ready in the mornings. I wanted to share my experience with you all in case maybe you too, are curious about getting them.

Before I start, I want to say the girl who did my lash extensions was awesome. She was professional, polite and super nice. Her work area was extremely clean and tidy. She did a really good job (the actual lashes themselves looked great after) and made me feel so comfortable. Also, this is MY experience. I can only speak for myself.

So I will start out by saying the process of getting lash extensions, in my opinion, isn’t the most fun. They have to tape your lower eyelashes out of the way which isn’t super comfortable. It is recommended that you keep your eyes closed the whole time so no glue gets in your eyes. So my advice is to go tired. While getting them put on, the glue did burn my eyes a little bit. Nothing crazy but definitely a little irritating. The whole thing from start to finish took 1 1/2 hours, longer than what I thought it would take. My eyes were SUPER red after but I was advised that the redness would subside after a half hour or so. Overall I was really happy with the look of them!

Like I was told, after about a half hour my eyes did look less red but were still a little bit irritated which I thought would subside as the day went on. BUT throughout the day, my eyes kept getting more and more irritated and more and more red. By evening my eyelids were swollen, the redness was worse and my eyes hurt SO bad. The place where I got them was closed by this time. I couldn’t stand it anymore so for over an hour I attempted to remove the eyelash extensions myself. It was very painful accompanied with a lot of burning and itching. I used my facial steamer to try to loosen up the glue and olive oil. That combination seemed to work the best. I would highly suggest going to a professional to get them removed but I didn’t have that option at the time.

Unfortunately I lost 3/4 of my natural lashes with the extensions. My eyes were so swollen and red and hurt so bad. My allergic reaction actually started to affect my breathing. Matt had to go out at 11 pm that night to buy benadryl. Five gas stations later he found some. The benadryl helped a lot.

I wish I would’ve gotten a better picture of the swelling and redness but I didn’t know I’d be typing out this post. The next day my eyes were still hurting and very red and swollen. After about 4 days the redness, swelling and pain all subsided and I was back to normal.

I wanted to share my experience so that if you are someone who is thinking about getting lash extensions, you are aware this could possibly happen. I will say, I am more prone to allergic reactions than probably the average person but I know this has happened to many others as well.

Needless to say, I will be sticking to my good ol’ false eyelashes that I glue on myself! No filter in these pics so you can see how the lashes look in real life!

I’ve been applying my own false lashes for years now. I think people are intimidated by them but honestly once you learn how to put them on it is so easy. If you want to learn how to apply false lashes, I highly recommend watching this video . This is how I learned how to apply them along with lots of practice!

I have been wearing these lashes for the last year or so now. Unfortunately they are sold out everywhere. (All the tears here.) I am so sad that I can no longer buy them. I just ordered these false eyelashes. I really like these ones too; very similar to the flirty feline lashes. I am EXTREMELY picky when it comes to lashes. My needs in a lash: very thin band, wispy, under $10, somewhat natural looking, longer on the outer part, very comfortable, nothing crazy or intense.

I use the same pair of lashes for at least a month or so. I pull them right off at night, pull the dried glue off the base, clean them with a little bit of my eye makeup remover and store them away til’ the next morning.

(Update!) Here is what the lashes I linked for you look like on.

I actually like the look of my falsies as much, if not actually more, than the eyelash extensions. Even if I didn’t have an allergic reaction, I don’t think I would’ve kept getting them filled. So, for me eyelash extensions was a total flop. I will be sticking with my falsies!

Stenciled Sidewalk Curb Appeal

The last few months Matt and I have been working on the curb appeal of the front of our home. I painted our porch and gave it a mini spring makeover. New rugs and some plants made a big impact. Never underestimate small details; they can make a big difference. And this last weekend I stenciled a pattern onto our sidewalk of the front of our home. I LOVE how the stenciled sidewalk turned out!!! I was honestly a little nervous to do it. I’ve never stenciled anything before and you don’t see too many stenciled sidewalks around. But I decided to just go for it and hope for the best…. kind of been my mantra lately!

Isn’t it so cool?!?! I’ve always loved the look of stamped concrete but that was not in our budget. This cost us $20 for the stencil, I already had the primer and paint on hand leftover from our porch makeover. I purchased this star tile stencil  from to create this pattern. Shipping was SO fast! I was super excited to receive it earlier than expected.

First step was priming our sidewalk. I used the BEHR Concrete & Masonry Bonding Primer. I used a paintbrush to apply it and let it dry over night.

I used the BEHR Porch & Patio Floor paint . 

I started out by using a roller when doing the stencil because that’s what I’ve seen others do on Instagram; but after doing a couple I quickly reached for a stenciling brush that I picked up for a couple dollars at Hobby Lobby. I preferred the brush WAY more than the roller. I felt like I had better control and didn’t get any runs with it like I did with the roller.

The black design ties into our black striped porch steps and other decor on the porch.

I only had four more spots to go when I accidentally put my stencil on wrong. Nothing can ever go perfect, right?! That would be way too easy. Luckily I had some paint thinner on hand and a wire bristle brush. I let the paint thinner soak for a minute or two on the paint and used the brush to scrape it off. Worked like a charm. Crisis averted.

I know next Spring I will have to more than likely touch some of this up but I’m fine with that. The snow in the winter can cause some of the paint to peel off; especially if it’s sitting there for an extended period of time.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Landscaping Front Yard and New Trees

The exterior of our home has always been just as important to us as the interior of our home. When we pull up to our home we desire it to look warm, inviting and cozy. Moving into a house with ZERO landscaping was definitely overwhelming. A blank slate is awesome in some regards but not in others. Number one, Matt and I are no professionals. We have learned all about landscaping through trial and error. Number two, landscaping is expensive. I would’ve loved to move into a house where there was already grass and trees and plants but that was not the case here. Adding all of those things has been pricey and wasn’t something we could do all at once. There are also positives though. A blank slate lets you do whatever you want. As a creative person, it’s been very fun thinking and planning for new ideas for our yard. We’ve been able to choose everything. That part has been awesome.

We believe landscaping can add so much to a home. Nature is beautiful. God’s gift to us. And we wanted to add some more nature to our front yard so we planted some trees!

Matt recruited Jayde to help plant trees. Jayde loves doing any kind of activity like this!

The other girls wanted to help too. Notice Brielle’s snow shovel. 🙂

We’ve known for a while we wanted to add some more trees in our front yard. We did A LOT of research on trees. SO many to choose from. Eventually our walks around our neighborhood lead us to decide on the Quaking Aspen Tree. A couple houses around us have these trees in their yard and we loved them. After doing some research on them we decided they were the tree for us!

Since I was a little girl my mom and dad have taken us to Estes Park, Colorado for vacation many summers over the years. All my girls have now experienced it and have fallen in love with the mountains as well. It has grown to be one of my favorite spots in the whole world. These trees remind me a little bit of Estes Park. An added bonus.

These trees have beautiful yellow leaves in the Fall (can’t wait to see them change color) and are known for their “quaking” leaves. The leaves rustling is a very peaceful sound.

The trees will grow more so up, not out. They will give us a little more privacy on our porch but we will still have our view of the Kansas sunsets.

I have one more diy project planned for the exterior of our home. The trees were supposed to be the last thing but I had the idea last night while going to bed and now have to make it happen! Don’t worry Matt. If you’re reading this, it wont involve your help!

When it comes to landscaping Matt and I make a pretty good team. He is really good at landscaping and I’m good at placing things where they need to be. Team work makes the dream work. 🙂 (Sorry, had to.) 🙂

Hopefully this will inspire you to plant a tree or two or just simply enjoy the nature surrounding you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hand Washed Dishes



The bubbly, hot water rising, the gentle sound of our sink filling up and the scent of pine dish soap lingering in the air. She ate her chips and cheese and chatted with me, her feet dangling off the bar-stool. One by one, I swirled the hot, soapy water over each dish. I scrubbed and dunked. And we laughed and talked. I rinsed each dish and laid it carefully on a towel. My hands performing repetitive movements, the sound of the water, the dishes clanking, us talking… it made a beautiful song.

It had probably been months since I washed a sink full of dirty dishes by hand. Our dishwasher has become full more quickly because of all the baking and cooking I’ve been able to do during this time. There’s something primitive about it. My sisters and I washing and drying dishes in my childhood kitchen came to mind as I soaked and scrubbed. Nostalgia. Home. I drained the water and she finished her meal. The sun shone through the window making its way down the sky. She skipped down the hallway for her bath and as I dried my wet, soapy hands on a towel, I looked at those hand-washed dishes lying on my counter and was so grateful for home.

This time has brought me back to basics- cooking, baking, planting, home schooling, no activities to run here and from. More evenings spent on our porch watching the girls ride bikes. More mud, more dirt, more time spent outside. Tanned shoulders and cheeks. More walks. I’m thankful for these things. For time. For home. For my family. And for a sink full of dirty dishes that I was able to wash by hand.


Picture Source

Spring Front Porch Reveal

I am so excited to share with you all our Spring front porch reveal! Get ready for lots of pictures! I’ve been patiently waiting for warmer weather to arrive so I could go out and buy plants for our porch. This weekend was beautiful here and I think the higher temps are finally here to stay! Hopefully. Fingers crossed. You really never know with Kansas weather.

A blank slate.

After! Isn’t Spring an exciting time?! I always get excited to plan and decorate our porch with plants and accessories. This year is my most favorite I’ve ever done.

Last weekend I touched up our shutters and siding with paint. You can see on our siding here that the new paint sticks out. Eventually, as it gets dirty, it will blend in with the old paint. Just thought I’d explain in case you’re wondering what those dark spots are all over our siding!

I wanted to incorporate some pink into our front porch and did that by adding this awesome pink rug. You can see there is some navy in the rug too which helps it tie into our navy siding. It is screen printed and thin so works great here. I found it at Rugs USA for a great price and you can purchase it HERE.

Matt bought me these tall planters for Mother’s Day a year or two ago. Well I bought them and told him this was going to be my gift from him. 🙂 They are really heavy and really good quality. I bought them at a pop up greenhouse here in our town.

This macrame hanger was a Target find. I bought it on sale for $10. You can purchase it HERE. I just stuck a little succulent in it in the same plastic planter it came in.

Since the planters are so tall, I wanted a plant that was pretty tall as well so it would look proportionate. I was SO happy to find these plants at my local Home Depot.

This jute rug was an Amazon find. I knew it was the perfect one right away for my space! I was so happy I came across it! I haven’t found it to shed at all and it seems to be made very well. It’s a thicker rug. Unfortunately the price has gone up almost $15 since I’ve purchased it. Boo. You can find it HERE.

Somebody wanted to help mom water.

I found this watering can in the Dollar Spot at Target.This was back at the beginning of the year. I really like the gold handle on it.

This faux copper light fixture was a diy and is not hardwired in. 

We are still LOVING our newly painted cement porch steps and floor.

Sweet Emmy.

Thanks so much for stopping by!




I’ve wrote down the words. I’ve meditated on them. I’ve read them in His word. And I’ve believed them. Words of truth and hope.

But every now and then, it sneaks in like a quick moving storm. The clouds start hovering over, the wind picks up, the sun blocked by thick clouds, darkness surrounding me and I find myself questioning. Is this all my purpose is? To rise each morning and do the same things I do every single day? Cleaning up infinite amounts of dishes, throwing toys in baskets, picking little pieces of trash off the ground, laundry, mediating fights, desperately grasping for control but it just always seems to be right out of my reach.

And then comes the lightning and thunder. The big booms. The sharp bolts. I compare. I compare to the houses surrounding me that seem to be filled with nothing but laughter and joy. Success and beauty. Not tears and frustrations. Not filled with “not good enoughs” and struggles.

Comparison is the thief of joy. This I know. But on those days when the storm is so fierce, it’s hard to turn away from. And before I know it the tornado comes. My thoughts are like a cyclone swirling around in my head filled with negativity & frustrations.

I have dreams. Just like you. Big ones. Ones that seem unreachable. I know God hears. I know he knows the desires of my heart. But I see nothing happen. A season of silence it seems. Countless prayers. Hoping. Waiting. Frustrated.

I don’t feel successful. I don’t feel important as I scrape leftover peanut butter and jelly off an orange elmo plate. As I place it in the dishwasher I reprimand myself for raising my voice earlier at my girls. I question and wonder if this is what I’m really supposed to be doing and if this is all there is to my life.  

I feel defeated as I climb into bed. I am glad the day is over. I lie my head down, my brown hair strewn across my pillow and close my eyes.

It’s a new day. I open my bible and this is the first thing I read,

“What is success? Most definitions include references to achieving goals and acquiring wealth, prestige, favor and power. “Successful” people enjoy the good life- being financially and emotionally secure, being surrounded by admirers, and enjoying the fruits of their labors. They are leaders, opinion makers, and trendsetters. Their example is emulated; their accomplishments are noticed. They know who they are and where they are going, and they stride confidently to meet their goals. By these standards Jeremiah was a miserable failure. For 40 years he served as God’s spokesman to Judah, but when Jeremiah spoke, nobody listened. And he certainly did not attain material success. In the eyes of the world, Jeremiah was not a success. But in God’s eyes, Jeremiah was one of the most successful people in all of history. Success, as measured by God, involves obedience and faithfulness.”

And there it is. I’m amazed at how God puts exactly what we need to hear in front of us at exactly the right time. On days like yesterday, when I long for and dream for success, to feel important and noticed, to my have my dreams answered….. God shows me truth. What I desire at times is the, “world’s definition of success”, not Jesus’. And if I’m chasing after success as the world sees it, I will never be satisfied, never feel true joy.

I know there are some of you out there who at times, feel the same way I feel. Maybe you’re a stay at home mom and feel unnoticed, unappreciated and undervalued. Or maybe you work at Walmart in the check out line and spew out “totals” all day to strangers and feel like you don’t really make a difference and wonder if this is where you are really supposed to be. Maybe, like me, you have big dreams that you feel like God isn’t blessing and you’re not sure if he ever will. Whoever you are, whatever you do, whatever hopes and dreams you have…. I hope you don’t define your success by the world’s definition. We all will have our days where the enemy will attack our mind and we will all have times where things just don’t seem to be going our way. We will have days where we get out of bed and just feel off or feel down… or both. But my hope is that you don’t stay there too long. That you fight those feelings, you fight those lies. That you dig into God’s word and read His truth.

My hope for you is that the storm will pass. The lightning and thunder fade away. The clouds roll out. That you quiet those negative thoughts. You stop comparing to those around you. And you look out your window at the sun shining. Because the sun always does come back out. I promise.