Banana Bread – Fall Baking
Hello friends! Today we are celebrating my daughter, Aubree’s 9th birthday. Cake and swimming with friends is on the agenda and then we are letting her pick where we go eat tonight. In a family of 6 it’s rare to have the power to choose where we go out to eat at, so she is pretty excited. Can’t wait to pick her up from school and celebrate her all weekend! She is sweet, always thinking of others. Very observant-which has helped me out many times. Loves food, like myself. A little more reserved to others but she talks her dad and my ears off on a regular basis. Loves soccer and has a great imagination. We love our Aubs!
This morning I made my favorite banana bread recipe- and I’ve tried lots of banana bread recipes. (Also, our kitchen is almost done!! Woohoo! Can’t wait to share it all with you soon.) For me, this is the perfect banana bread. Sweet but not too sweet. Moist but not too much. Easy to make and utterly delicious.
Banana Bread

Printable Banana Bread Recipe

I love to bake and have missed doing it due to our kitchen renovation. The kitchen is almost done and I am finally able to start enjoying it again. (The renovations were SO worth it… you get a glimpse of our new window, one of the best parts of the kitchen now!)

I really don’t know what my favorite is between banana and pumpkin bread. They are equally delicious- to see my mom’s famous pumpkin bread recipe- go HERE.

Also want to share my favorite loaf pans- you can buy them HERE. I like how it makes a longer, more narrow loaf. I feel like the bread cooks more evenly as well as cooking quicker.

Pro tip- the riper your bananas, the more flavorful your bread will be

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
xoxo Kayla