Life & Motherhood

Candy Crush: Escape the Stress of Today

Burnt out. Anyone else here? The last few months, I have felt just that. Some of my circumstances are out of my control but other pressures, choices and expectations, is my own doing. This time of year, Americans are usually busier than ever. The season that is supposed to bring us all joy, instead for some, brings busyness, stress, lack of sleep, anxiety, and irritation.

God rested after he created the world and all things in it.

God gave us the Sabbath to rest because he knew we would need it.

“In Exodus 23: 10-12, we find that even the land had to rest after six years, and the Israelites were not to plant in it the seventh year. During this rest, everything recovered and prepared for future production.” (Joyce Meyer) Like this earth, we also need time to recover and prepare for the future.

Candy Crush

Recently, I downloaded the game candy crush on my phone. I noticed the first words to come up when I entered the game were, “Escape the stress of today.” Yes, I thought to myself, just what I need. I moved little candies on a tiny screen for over an hour. Level after level I passed but when I put down my phone and looked up, I didn’t feel refreshed or rejuvenated. I didn’t feel like I accomplished anything for that matter even though the game told me otherwise.

The same thing happens when I get into the bad habit of “scrolling” on all of my social media platforms. I mindlessly scroll, the minutes tick by, and after some time, when I lay down my phone, I don’t feel joyful or rested; actually the latter usually.

When God said to rest, I don’t think he intended us to scroll Instagram and compare our lives or move little candies around and watch them explode. But sometimes isn’t it easier to “mindlessly” scroll or move little candies around than actually being present, being intentional, being still, spending time with God, and resting like he intended us to?

In a world full of noise, just being still is sometimes hard. Clearing your mind, your thoughts, meditating on God’s word feels like work sometimes; mindlessly scrolling does not.

This morning as I was having my quiet time, this thought came to mind, “Do the work because what this world can make feel like “work”, will be the thing to create joy, peace and rest.”

This month, my focus will be to do less mindlessly scrolling, less blowing up little candies, and more of intentional rest. I will look up more, instead of looking down at my phone, I will try and let go of harsh expectations I put on myself, and I will focus on the reason for the season, Jesus.

May this month bring you rest, peace and joy.

xoxo Kayla