Baked With Love

Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Not many people know this about me but back in the day I was a professional cupcake maker. I made cupcakes every. single. day. Matt was sick of my cupcakes. I was sick of my cupcakes. I think even our dog, Jax, was sick of my cupcakes. As a newly stay at home mom with my first beautiful baby, Jayde, I was looking for something to do as a hobby and cupcake making was it. I decided to turn this hobby into a “business” (I use that term very loosely). “Kayla’s Charming Cupcakes” was born and after a few birthday parties and random orders I decide the cupcake business was not for me after all. But my white folder full of recipes, my tax id # and cost breakdown still lives. I pulled it out the other day and made my carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Delicious. Amazing. I mean, slather anything with cream cheese frosting and I’ll eat it. But in all realness, these are really good!

Carrot Cupcakes

Printable Recipe

Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe

1 stick butter
1 package of cream cheese softened
3-4 c. powdered sugar
1-2 tsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Cream buttter and cream cheese. Add sugar gradually. Add milk and vanilla. Beat on high until smooth. 

Let me know if you makes these and how you like them! Kayla’s Charming Cupcakes approved!! 🙂

