Cutest Dog Accessories & Meet Marley
Maybe I’m a little crazy but we decided (well I decided and talked Matt into it which wasn’t hard I might add) that we should get a new puppy! With 4 kids, 2 dogs, and 1 cat already- some of you may think I’m a little cuckoo but I have total peace about adding Marley to our family! Kind of crazy how it all worked out- the stars aligned for him to join our family! Marley is a buff 12 week old cocker spaniel. We’ve heard nothing but good things about this breed of dog- low to no shedding, gentle with kids (he’s the gentlest soul) and loves to be around people.
Our home is already full of lots of people, animals, messes and noise- learning to embrace the chaos. For a type A person like myself, that’s sometimes hard to do. But Marley is absolutely adorable and we are all in love with him already! Also, I think Emmy starting preschool this fall has something to do with it too- my last baby!! (insert all the tears here)

cutest dog accessories
As you all know- I love decor- so I desire even “dog items” to be cute. All of our animals have the tags from Etsy- they are very well made- Marley’s is on the way! I ordered the cute set of bandanas- thought these would be perfect for fall and winter. Want to try and take family pictures with all the animals this fall with these bandanas on them- seems pretty daunting but I really want to try and make it work. We shall see. And we also have the gingham green leash- so adorable! While browsing, I rounded up some more cute accessories for your fur buddy/ies- links are at the end of the post!