Diy Concrete Bookends & Thrift Store Finds
I wanted to buy some cool bookends for an area of our home and after searching came across some concrete ones that I liked and I thought to myself, I could probably make those with the leftover concrete mix I had from my cement wall project. And so, I did!
First step was choosing what shape I wanted my bookends to be; I ended up going with a hexagon shape. On Microsoft word I created a hexagon, printed it out and then made my template using an Amazon box that had been lying in our garage (good thing I had that on hand).

You can see I traced my shape and then created the sides so that the cement would have something to “sit” into. I used blue painters tape to hold the sides up.

And it worked! They are not perfectly uniform but I like the rustic look to them. I could’ve sanded them down to create a more smooth look but I decided to leave them as is.

This was a fun little project to do during Emmy’s naptime!

Thrift Store Finds
A friend had texted me a picture of her thrift store finds and it motivated me to go thrifting! I used to go to garage sales ALL the time and would go thrifting over the weekends but I kind of fell out of the habit. So Saturday morning, I took an hour or two and went to a few thrift stores and found some good stuff!
My goal was to find some books for my cement book ends and some items for Jayde’s room that we are making over. I bought these books for under $2, a cute little vase and this adorable glass candle holder that you can see pictured above.

BUT, my most favorite thrift store find is this piece right here and I scored it for only $15! I stood in the store looking at it for about 10 minutes brainstorming where and what I could do with it. I have a new self imposed rule for myself- only buy something if you know where you are going to put it. The two guys were skeptical that this would fit in my vehicle but I told them it would for sure fit. I was going to make it happen, whatever I had to do. LOL. They made it fit (very barely) and told me they would trust me next time. 🙂

I have a really fun idea for this piece and know exactly where I’m going to hang it! It’s going to take some power tools and a little re-designing but I think I can make it work!! Also, found these frames for Jayde’s room makeover that I will be sharing with you all in the near future!

Thankful for a friend that reminded me of something that brings me joy!
Have a happy day!!
xoxo Kayla