Life & Motherhood

Don’t Mistake my Niceness for Weakness



“I realize I’ve bought into the lie- that if you think I’m nice, maybe you don’t think I’m smart or strong. Sometimes nice doesn’t feel like enough. Nice feels like a pushover, a doormat, the one you can’t take too seriously. The nice one is the shy one standing in the corner.”

“Nice is powerful. If you’re one of the nice ones don’t eclipse your light by believing nice isn’t enough or pining away for a personality other than the one God gave you. Be who God created you to be.” Author Unknown

I wrote this down in my journal years ago because it spoke to my soul. It was an “aha” moment for me. In my life I have been called “nice” SO much. You would think I would’ve taken this as a compliment every time I heard it but honestly it used to bother me and I really didn’t know why. But I read this passage out of some book that I can’t remember the title of now and I was like wow, this author just put into words what I’ve been feeling for years and years but couldn’t quite put into words myself.

For some reason, at the time, I equated nice with being boring. Naive. Pushed aside. Weak. Walked all over. Dull. Uninteresting. Left out. Why? Because I believe this is what our world tells us at times, if not most of the time.

 But since then, I found truth……

I can be nice and strong. Nice and smart. Nice and interesting. Nice and wise. Nice and fearless. Nice and exciting. Nice and bold. Nice and powerful. Nice and confident.

If you’re a fellow labeled “nice” girl I pray you would read these words and embrace who you are and not try to be somebody you’re not. Nice is a compliment. Nice is powerful and beautiful.

Don’t mistake my niceness for weakness; it’s far from.

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