Fall Decor Home Decorating

Entryway Makeover with Simple Fall Touches – Less is More

Lately I have been on an organizing/de-cluttering spree. Think nesting phase of pregnancy, minus the pregnancy. That’s been me and I’m not really sure why. Last week I loaded up the back of my vehicle with trash bags full of odds and ends from our home. I went through A LOT of stuff and asked myself, “Do I love this?” If the answer was no, into the trash bag it went. Along with my de-cluttering spree, I found myself completely re-arranging our entryway last Friday. I am LOVING how open it feels and wanted to share it with you all.



Let me start out by saying I did not dis-like our entryway before. In fact, I really loved a lot of things about it. I’m a decor lover so I find that I like to pack in as much decor as possible. But in our smaller home, a lot of decor and furniture pieces was starting to make me feel a little claustrophobic.

This entryway makeover was literally free. I moved the sofa table over to this wall- moved out the bench and decor on the wall and put them in different places in our home. This mirror used to be on our fireplace mantle-goes perfect here! And everything else was already in this space- I just re-arranged things.

peg rail

I even simplified the decor on this diy peg rail. A couple blankets, a wool scarf and a wicker basket. Still feels cozy to me without there being so much stuff.

simple fall touches

In previous years, you would find my house filled to the brim with seasonal decor. Over the last few years I’ve gotten rid of items that I don’t love but still have a decent collection of fall and Halloween decorations. And honestly, most of them are still sitting in their bins in our basement storage room. This season- less is more. I’m craving simple, organic touches of the season. I layered this faux sheep skin rug over this basket in the entry.

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch and I knew I wanted one blue pumpkin for our entryway- this one was the winner!

I am loving blue pumpkins this fall season- that color is everything.

Last month I found this terracotta jack o’ lantern at our local grocery store and snagged it up. I put a few of my favorite faux candles in it- simple and cute!

Whatever style of decor you like – less, more or somewhere in-between – you do YOU! I’ve been craving simplicity- so simplified is what I want. If seasonal decor oozing out of every corner of your home makes you happy- then do it! There’s no rules to decorating and that’s one of the things I love about it. Our homes should be a reflection of us- a place where we can feel at peace. I’m so happy I went for this change!

xoxo Kayla