Fall Decor Home Decorating Seasons

Fall Porch Tour & Meet the Newest Member of Our Family

It is officially fall!! Woohoo! Life has been crazy busy over here. Between all the girls’ activities, Matt’s work, the kitchen re-model, among other things I have felt quite overwhelmed lately. Anyone else? This morning I looked forward to taking a little bit of time and working on the front porch. Creativity is good for my soul, helps me de-stress and clear my mind. Today I wanted to share our fall porch with you all and introduce you to the newest member of our family! Fluffy and cute… those are your 2 hints! πŸ™‚

Fall Porch

This fall season I wanted to hone in on oranges and reds. Typically I get an array of different colored pumpkins but this year I stuck with traditional orange.

To see how I aged these new terracotta pots go to this post here. Such a simple diy and as you can see, it worked!

I hung this antique black basket on our front door and stuck some sprigs of dried leaves in it. A nice change up from a wreath!

I found these 2 rugs from Target, you can purchase them here and here. The pinecone print on this makes it appropriate for winter as well! A win win!

In my planters I did a combo of kale, orange mums, a plant that I do not know the name of :), and I added a little pumpkin.

This time of year you can find us on our front porch the most out of anytime of the year. Fall evenings are quite simply, the best.

This old bench was a $5 garage sale find.

Meet the Newest Member of our Family

I have always been a dog person. Getting a cat never really crossed my mind until our 6 year old, Brielle, started begging us for one. She spent a week at my mom and dad’s house this summer and they have a couple farm cats that she fell in love with. Lots of tears on the way home because she missed “her cats”. After a few months of debating amid her constant asking, I randomly got a text from a friend with a picture of a boxful of abandoned kittens asking if me or anyone else wanted to adopt one. Everyone… meet Fluffy!

Fluffy loves to cuddle, is finally warming up to dry cat food and comes to you when you call him. He is the sweetest. Shadow and Jax (our 2 dogs) aren’t convinced yet…

Our dogs are still adjusting to a new face around our home. With time, I’m sure they will come around. We all are in love with him! And Brielle is pretty excited to have her very own kitten.

I hope you all enjoyed our fall porch tour and meeting Fluffy! Thanks for stopping by!

xoxo Kayla