Baked With Love

Glazed Pumpkin Donuts


One of my goals for this fall season was to try some new baking recipes. I’ve had this one pinned for who knows how long and today I decided to try it out. This Pumpkin Donut Recipe is from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. Click above for the recipe!

I have never made donuts before but liked that I could bake these, no frying involved. These are definitely more cake-like donuts. I honestly like a chewier donut but seriously my WHOLE family loved these!

The girls told me I need to make these everyday. 🙂

I think Brielle liked them…..

When I flipped the donuts out of the pan I left them up-side down and put the glaze on that side. I think next time I will make sure to put the glaze on the actual top part of the donut. I think it will soak in a little bit better, more nooks and crannies for the glaze to get in to. I also might thicken the glaze up a bit as well, maybe add less water.

These were pretty simple to make overall and only took about 7 minutes to bake. I will definitely be making these again! And I think Brielle will appreciate that. 😉

Thanks for stopping by!


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