
Happiness Project: June Update

It has been about a week since I started my happiness project; am I happier you may be asking?! Lol, it’s probably too early to tell but I will say some of the things I focused on this week, did bring me more happiness. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go here for my original post.

Closet Cleanout & A Pearl Ring

Day one of my happiness project I decided to clean out my closet. I had cleaned it out not too long ago but my closet is kind of my catch all place. Presents for people? Throw them in the closet. Packages? In the closet. Random items and decor? The closet. I think you get the gist. While going through all of my clothes and deciding which ones to donate, I kept meditating on the thought, “Be Kayla”. I was surprised at how many clothes I decided to donate since I had just gone through them not even a few months ago. After organizing the random items strewn throughout, I eyed my large jewelry stand in the corner of the closet. Most of my pieces of jewelry I wear I keep in a small glass box in my bathroom so hadn’t looked in my stand for quite some time. I decided now was the time to organize it. I repeatedly asked myself, “What do I love? What is me?” Before I knew it, I had half of the jewelry in a pile ready to be donated. (Anyone else struggle with getting rid of gifts? I had countless pieces in there that had been given to me as a gift but I didn’t really love. I pushed the guilt aside and tossed them in my donate pile. I still may feel a little guilty though….) One of the last sections I cleaned out held a treasure I had completely forgotten about, a pearl ring my grandma had bought me shortly before she passed away. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten about this piece of jewelry. To be accurate, the original one she had given me, I had lost. My mom, being the kind hearted person she is, bought me the exact same one. It was a little loose and I never took the time to get it re-sized. So, because I was afraid I would lose it again, I set it in my jewelry stand and had unrecalled it since.

I placed the ring around my index finger and it was a perfect fit. I plan to wear it everyday. This moment took me back to memories of my Grandma- and that made me smile.

The lesson? Wear the piece of jewelry.

A happy moment.

Rise & Shine

This last week I have been making it a point to get an earlier start to my day and it honestly has been so great. I have felt more prepared for my day and enjoy the time I get to myself in the mornings while everyone else is still asleep. My goal is to start waking up even earlier than what I have been this last week. Going to bed earlier is something I’m still trying to be better at. Some evenings it’s out of my control but this is an area I still need to work on.

Busy Sunday

After a morning softball game, groceries, & Father’s Day shopping, I tackled a project I’ve been wanting to do for years- the desk area downstairs. I don’t use the desk other than to pile things in and on top of it. I have no desire to pay bills and do payroll in a dark corner of the basement so haven’t actually sat down at the desk for years. I started working my way through the multiple drawers, tons of bills, papers and other random things that we no longer needed to keep hold of. I threw away 2 large garbage sacks of useless items. Wile organizing I came across a stack of old magazines from our local newspaper that I used to write articles for focusing on home decor and diys. Aubree couldn’t BELIEVE I was in a magazine! 🙂 Maybe not ‘Better Homes and Gardens’ but it still brought a smile to my face. A few hours later I was left with 2 small boxes of items to store, a stackful of Das Haus magazines and a full garbage can. We plan on selling the desk since we no longer need it. Feels really good to de-clutter. (Some of the papers were from 2012. Yikes!)

Doing that gave me the motivation to start cleaning out our downstairs cabinets in our bar area. One and a half trash bags later… done; along with multiple items to donate.

Social Media

My phone time has been WAY down this last week! I am continuing to stay laser focused on this and not let myself get back into the bad habit of mindless scrolling. Also, I listened to a podcast while getting ready and Dean Graziosi talked about how nowadays our attention spans are so short. (#truth) I find that when I am watching someone’s stories, specifically on Instagram, I tend to click to the next slide before I even hear what they are completely saying. I have been focusing on watching the WHOLE story and not quickly clicking through to the next slide. If it means I watch less people’s stories, so be it. Something small but important to me.

Question for you all. Does clutter bother you? Or not so much?

Thanks for stopping by!

xoxo Kayla