About Me Life & Motherhood


Be unapologetically you.

I wont be the first one to speak up.

I’m often told I’m quiet.

I prefer smaller groups to large ones.

In a crowd of people I wont be at the center of it all, but usually off to the side.

I enjoy spending time with myself.

I am loyal.

Sometimes I want to be left alone, sometimes I want to be included.

I’m an observer.

I have a great imagination.

I want to be invited but don’t always want to go.

I am not anti-social, I am selectively social.

I’ve been misunderstood as being stuck up when that is honestly not my intent or my heart at all.

I appreciate true connection and vulnerability.

I do not like small talk. I’m actually quite bad at it.

I’m a good listener.

It takes a long time for me to fully open up to someone. I really have to feel like I can trust you.

I am reserved, until I’m not.

I recharge by spending time alone.

I’m very empathetic.

I feel emotions strongly.

I recently found a definition for being shy that I really liked. “Shy is characterized by fear, lack of social confidence, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being judged, and low self esteem.” That used to be me years and years ago. And it was quite exhausting.

Now I fully own and appreciate who I am. I’m not shy, I’m simply introverted. I embrace who God made me to be and understand not everybody will understand me or like me. I of course still have instances of insecurity like everybody else in this world but I no longer live my life to try and gain others’ acceptance.

Unapologetically me. I remind myself of this phrase often.

And I hope you have enough courage to be unapologetically you.