Lasting Memories

Do you ever wonder why certain memories make themselves at home in your head?

I remember a beautiful fall day, the sun shining with a hint of cool in the air. I was in high school and there was a volleyball game later on that evening that I was super excited for. I could’ve played volleyball every day and not grown tired of it, and that still holds true to this day. As I walked into our home after school, my mom was in the kitchen making taco soup. (She makes really good taco soup.) Sunlight filtered through the window and a cinnamon candle was burning next to the stove. My mom was in a good mood and I remember her greeting me warmly as she usually did. That moment in time has been imprinted in my brain ever since and I don’t really know why. I’m sure there were 100’s of moments similar throughout junior high and high school but this one took root.

The memory made its way to the forefront of my mind today and I teared up as I recalled it. And I think maybe one of the reasons it’s stayed in my memory is because it was a moment in time when my soul was filled with joy. Fall in the air, a candle burning, my mom making me feel so loved, dinner on the stove. All of that mixed with the excitement of getting to go do something I loved created a moment in time that still to this day, 20 years later, can bring tears to my eyes.

Mamas, please know that the simple things you do makes a difference. And that “home” is so important. The warm welcome, cooking dinner (even if it’s a box of macaroni & cheese), lighting a candle, having their uniform washed and hung up in their room for them, supporting them while they do something they love. They may not seem to appreciate it now but you never know when a memory will be imprinted in their mind and stay with them the rest of their life.

The ordinary and mundane to you, might be one of the cherished lasting memories your child keeps with them.  

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