Life & Motherhood

Like Ghosts


Your sunrises are there every morning,

sunsets every night.

The world spins, splits, cries & laughs-

& You see it all.

As hate & death spews out,

Your word stands true.

Life & love is in Your words.

You are ever near,

even when it doesn’t feel so.

You care & understand,

even when it hurts.

While the world titter totters in confusion-

You stand firm.

Men, women, them, they, he, she- pronouns become issues.

All of them juggled in the air- whichever one lands first is so.

Truth gets jumbled.

Lies get told.

And in this time,

traditional values are seen as judgmental.

A difference of opinion & freedom of speech,

no longer a thing.

Voices are silenced.

Accounts are banned.

People become like ghosts- can speak but not be seen or heard.

I listen.

I question.

Not only others,

but myself.

And when I’m confused & heartbroken,

I go to His word.

His word is where I stand.

His voice is what I yearn to hear.

At the end of it all-

His is whose I’ll be.🤍

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