Home Decorating

Nook Update with Diy Aged Pot

Hello friends! Happy Wednesday! Today I wanted to share with you all my little nook update! This little nook houses our Christmas tree during the holidays so anything I put here, I have to be able to easily move out of the way when November comes along. I was wanting to get a book-case for this little spot but everything I found that I liked was too expensive for my budget so I decided to make do with what I had and in the future, I can find a cool piece for this area.

This old radio stand was a garage sale find years ago. I paid $10 for it, cleaned it up, painted it and it’s been in our house ever since. It definitely reads more farmhouse vibes which I have kind of gone away from the last few years which is why I will eventually replace it. To be honest, if I lived in an actual farm house I would totally have my home decked out in farmhouse decor. I tried the whole farmhouse thing in this home and it just didn’t feel right. But I do still have nods here and there to the farmhouse trend.

You can buy this sign here. I was looking for some affordable art for this space and came across Society 6’s site. They have A TON of cool art work. This poster was under $20 and I really love the quote. A reminder that it’s never too late to start over.

A few weeks ago I took a pot I didn’t use anymore and aged it using some dirt, mortar and black spray paint. I love how it turned out and this succulent fits perfectly in it. Basically, spray paint a pot, rub dirt all over it, repeat steps. For more texture spread some mortar on it, spray paint again and let dry. Sand with fine sanding paper and you have an aged pot!

We picked this succulent up at The Jungle House in Lawrence, KS. Go here to read about our weekend getaway there.

Of course, I had to thrown in one of my favorite faux candles into the space. I have replaced candles with oils so I have a ton of these faux candles throughout our home. I put some white rocks in a jar to house the candle and I think it’s perfect for spring/summer.

Still waiting on the weather to cooperate to start on our back patio. I am so pumped to start on it! Also, have a few ideas to spruce up our front porch for spring. Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day!