Life & Motherhood

Random Monday Thoughts

Waffles are better than pancakes but I’m undecided if they are better than french toast.

Natural light is joy giving to me. Sunlight coming in through windows makes me happy. Why you can find our shades/blinds open 99% of the time. Wave hello next time you see me through the windows.

Getting out of our routines and the mundane is good for the soul. A struggle for a routine person like myself.

Listening to podcasts on long car drives makes the time go by so much quicker. I recently just discovered this, I know this makes me ancient. I’ve always just loved the radio, no playlists or anything fancy like that for me.

Painted toenails are cuter than unpainted ones.

That time of month is really a bummer thing. Avoiding people and social media if possible is a wise choice during the day or two where my hormones are raging. Also, speaking less is a good idea as well. Locking myself in a room, alone, is preferable, but not usually an option.

Habits. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my habits, good and bad.

ACTION. This word has been on my mind. You can listen to all the self help podcasts (on your car drives), read all the self help books but if you don’t put what they are telling you to do into action, it doesn’t really do you any good. What do I need to put into action in my own life and quit making excuses for?

Cinnamon toast is delicious.

Quality over quantity. In every aspect of life. When I was younger I used to think the opposite.

I’m really glad scunccis made a comeback.

Getting up early always makes my day go better.

Respect your parents.

Comparison is a thief of joy.

I now understand why my mom and dad bought me a 76 Buick skylark for my first car. I think I ran into 3 things with it within the first year of driving it. Not having everything handed to you helps you from being entitled.

One can never have too many throw pillows.

Laundry is forever.

I never knew I’d be 30 something and still struggle with acne from time to time. Isn’t that supposed to be a thing of your teens and early twenties? Not fair.

Dogs are pretty great. Cats… 1 good one out of every 20.

Some people say hypoallergenic dogs are really not a thing but they actually really are. I know from experience.

I really dislike buying a new phone. I still have the I-phone 7 and will not buy a new one until absolutely necessary.

It’s true, the days can be long but the years are short.

The things I worry about are absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary.

Two year olds get into a lot of stuff.

I am going to be 35 this year but still feel like I’m 20 something.

Water is better with lemon.

I now realize how much thought and planning my parents had to do when they took us on family vacations. All they had were maps! I literally can remember them looking at maps when driving somewhere new. How did couples navigate these trying situations?! Even with all of our technological advances, it is still a lot of work and Matt and I still argue about which direction to take even with our car telling us where to go.

All in all, my life is really good. And I’m really blessed.

Hope you all have a great Monday!

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