Home Decorating Seasons Spring Decor

Spring Front Porch with Painted Steps & Faux Plants

It feels so good to be typing this post out tonight! I can’t wait to share with you all my spring front porch! A little over 2 weeks ago our 2 year old, Emersyn, had a tonsillectomy. Her tonsils were huge so eventually they would of needed out but the main reason we decided to remove them now was she had 7 diagnoses of strep throat in a year and many prior to that. And when she gets strep throat it is rough; 105 degree fever, in a lot of pain, throwing up, not sleeping or eating. Even if we would get her on an antibiotic the day she had a fever and showed symptoms, it would still be a week of her not feeling good. Her recovery from her tonsillectomy was rough which is why I have been mia over here but I am happy to say she is pretty much back to her old self and I am thankful that we are past all of that! It was a rough 2 weeks but hopefully no more strep throat in her future!

Spring Front Porch

Last year I painted this stair runner on our front porch steps and still love it. All I had to do was touch up a little bit of paint on these but overall it held up great! You can go here for the tutorial.

I haven’t looked at this next picture in forever but it is a great reminder of how much we have accomplished with our home. We had the house painted hale navy by Benjamin Moore, before it was a nice boring shade of tan. When I saw a german schmear technique on an episode of Fixer Upper I knew that’s what I wanted to do to the brick on our home. Literally 99% of the people I told my idea to, told me to NOT do it. After about a year I said what the heck and did it anyways. So glad I did. 🙂

My stenciled sidewalk was another project I did last spring; you can go to this post to see all the details. It held up ok through the winter, as you can see it is definitely faded in some spots. I really don’t mind the worn look though, I actually kind of like it!

Potted Plants on Spring Porch

These cutie planters are from Hobby Lobby. You can find the small option here. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find them in my Hobby Lobby store for the last month or so, it is crazy how fast stuff sells out! I’m glad I snagged these two when I did. I did find this option, a set of 3, but it is quite a bit more expensive than the Hobby Lobby ones.

The other grey planters are from Home Depot.

Large Chalkboard on Porch

This chalkboard was a diy I did last fall, you can go here to see how I made this for under $20. I kept it really simple and used some ribbon to attach this boxwood wreath.

Faux Plants on Spring Front Porch

Our house faces west so in the summer it gets LOTS of sun. We actually are out on our porch the most in the spring and fall. I have tried all kinds of different plants in my two large planters but once July hits they usually all die. And that’s where these faux cedar trees save the day! I bought these last fall and I have been really impressed with the quality of them. I was going to swap them out with something that felt a little more “spring-ish” but in the end decided to just leave them be. A tip- put real soil in any pots that have a faux plant in them and it will help them look more real!

This woven rug is one of my absolute favs, you can buy it here. I grabbed this checkered grey rug from Target to go under it; still digging the layered rug look out here! Go here to see my spring porch last year and the awesome rug I layered under this woven mat.

Evening Views

We have poured a lot of love into this home and plan on to continue that trend. Still have hundreds of ideas in my head, (no Matt, the projects will literally never end :). There are so many exciting things on the horizon that we are planning on doing when it comes to home projects! Some of the things that I’ve dreamed about ever since we moved in here almost 6 years ago are going to become a reality. Can’t wait to show you what we have planned!