Christmas Decor

The Cutest Christmas Puzzles


I know we haven’t even had Halloween yet but I wanted to share some of the cutest Christmas puzzles with you all. The last week we’ve been working on this Halloween one and finished it today. We are nearing “puzzle season” which makes me so happy! I wanted to order a couple Christmas puzzles now so that they are ready for us when the colder weather hits.

We don’t have a space yet for an actual large puzzle table but this one works great; highly recommend it! You can see it here set up in our master bedroom. It can easily be slid under our bed when not in use but in all honesty, during the winter it gets used often. It’s regularly the place where the girls and I congregate after dinner and baths are had. I just love puzzles! Here are some of my Christmas favorites!


#1 Puzzle

#2 Puzzle

#3 Puzzle

#4 Puzzle

#5 Puzzle

#6 Puzzle

#7 Puzzle

#8 Puzzle

#9 Puzzle

#10 Puzzle

#11 Puzzle

#12 Puzzle

Happy Puzzling!!

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