Home Decorating

Wire Shelves in Kitchen


Hello and happy Friday!! Lately, I’ve been in a creative slump- or more so – there’s been really no projects for me to do. We are gearing up for a VERY BIG project in the next few weeks (will share more about that in a different post) but that’s more so planning/thinking – not getting my hands buried in a project necessarily. This week I worked on adding another wire shelf in our kitchen. I had bought these 2 wire shelves from a small shop in Nebraska years ago and for a while have had the idea to add another one to this wall. I searched for weeks on the web but could not find one exactly like it UNTIL I did! Woohoo!

Open Wire Shelves in Kitchen

This is my favorite type of area to decorate & style- I like using items we use on the daily like measuring cups, dish towels, bowls, cups, etc. When buying items like this, I try to keep in mind I might want to display them.

Right now, I have a lot of pink sprinkled throughout our kitchen- I always try to repeat similar colors in a space- makes things feel more cohesive.

I love that I have an extra shelf to display more pretty things!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!



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