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As I say farewell to another year, I always like to reflect back on it. I read through my journal, look at pictures and am reminded of many things I’ve forgotten. I am one who always gets excited for a new year- lots of possibilities ahead and I tend to get a little pep in […]
Free Printable for Delivery Drivers During the Holiday Season
I don’t know about you all, but during the month of December, boxes litter my porch frequently. I love shopping locally and supporting our small business owners in town but also do quite a bit of online shopping as well. In this season of life, online shopping is a BIG help during this busy time […]
Teacher Gift Ideas
Tis’ time to start thinking about gift ideas for the teachers in your life! Literally, teachers are the best. I sub taught when I was pregnant with Jayde which gave me a new-found appreciation for them all. Honestly, I think you can never go wrong with a gift card! But I always like to add […]