Life & Motherhood



You don’t wear a mask? CANCELLED

You voted for Trump? CANCELLED

You voted for Biden? CANCELLED

You eat red meat? CANCELLED

You traveled in the midst of a pandemic? CANCELLED

You don’t support gay marriage? CANCELLED

You do support gay marriage? CANCELLED

You don’t have a private bathroom for breastfeeding moms? CANCELLED

Your toy has a gender specific word on it? CANCELLED

You aren’t getting vaccinated? CANCELLED

You watch Fox news? CANCELLED

You read your kids Dr. Seuss books? CANCELLED

You made a comment on social media and I took it as racist? CANCELLED

In the end of times, the bible states, “people will be easily offended”. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.(Matt. 24:10-13) I look around at our world, at the news on my tv, people on my social media and it seems like everyone, everywhere, is offended. As a Christian, the bible is my map for this life. I look to it for truth, for wisdom and for what is good and what is bad. Some things in our world today I know and believe with all of my heart are wrong; and if I’m being honest, others are a little more cloudy for me, sometimes clouded by our world or people or by popular belief. Other times clouded by my own thoughts, past experiences and empathy.

I feel a lot of things this world is offended by lately are insignificant. People are grabbing their magnifying glasses, their judging eyes and searching for anything that could possibly be offensive. A word on a toy, a word or character in a book, an un-masked face, a vote on a ballot sheet. Look for offense and you will find it. Anything, anyone, any object, motive, decision, move, sentence spoken; you can turn it into offense if you want.

We are distracted. Distracted by the real enemy. And he is loving it. He loves the division, the hate, the strife and the turmoil. We are boycotting Dr. Seuss books while radio stations are blasting Cardi B’s “Wap” song. We are cancelling Angelica on Rugrats while the GRAMMYs 2021 broadcasts women dressed in not much left to the imagination, humping each other on a bed. Little girls watch this and are being told, “this is what is cool and beautiful.” We find out Jenny@bigfamilylittlefarmhouse on Instagram didn’t wear a mask at Costco and so now her paint line is being dropped. His neighbor voted for Trump so now they are no longer friends. She is for the cops which now means she is not for Black Lives Matter and so I can’t support her small business. He married a guy so now I can’t be nice or talk to him.

As Christians, we MUST stand for God’s word. It is really hard sometimes in a world that tells you if you think this way, you are judgmental. It’s really hard going against the grain; standing in your convictions and beliefs while so many people think opposite. Some areas of truth are black and white, others are really hazy. I can stand in my truth and what I believe and still LOVE OTHERS, even while not agreeing.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life; and have it to the full.”

He is the enemy, not your neighbor.

If you want to cancel somebody, cancel him.

Cancel him with your love for others.

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8 thoughts on “Cancelled

  1. Rochelle Swanson

    Well written Kayla. ❤

    1. kjberry32

      Thank you so much!

  2. Debbie


    1. kjberry32

      Thank you Debbie!

  3. Connie

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.We do not struggle against flesh and blood but against satan and he’s having a field day. and if people don’t believe Satan is alive and well take a look around

    1. kjberry32

      So true! Thank you for taking the time to read!

  4. Ames Stephen

    Beautiful words, thanks for sharing, God Bless

    1. kjberry32

      Thank you so much!

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