Christmas Porch Swing
I love creating pretty spaces for my family and myself to enjoy. We’ve enjoyed many evenings outside on our front porch and this season I wanted to make it even a little more magical than year’s past. We all could use an extra dose of joy this Christmas season, right?! The girls enjoyed being my models on our Christmas porch swing last night. Bribing them with hot chocolate helped. 😉 Hot chocolate just helps with life in general.
I knew I would have fun decorating this chalkboard for each season. This was a diy project I did this last fall that cost me under $20 to make. You can go here for the tutorial! It’s pretty big, 4 x 4 feet, but I wanted it to make a statement. You could definitely use my tutorial to make a smaller one.

Can you tell who is the ornerier of the two by the picture below???

These little santa mugs were thrifted finds. Aren’t they cute?!

Was any hot chocolate spilled in the making of these pictures. See picture below for your answer. A most definite yes.

You can purchase this white Santa mug HERE.

This picture makes me smile. The girls probably wont realize how lucky they are to have sisters until they are older.

Aubree wasn’t feeling the best but was able to join later for some pics.

One of my goals this month is to be more intentional with my time. I want to create some more magical moments out here. I’m thinking Christmas cookies, Christmas punch (will post recipe on here soon) and maybe some books one night. Maybe a game night out here if the weather isn’t too cold. Some magical moments just happen organically but some you have to create!

I just love my girls. (Hearts inserted here.) Merry Christmas!
xoxo Kayla