easy way to update your floors using grout stain

Easy Way to Update Your Tile Using Grout Stain


This last week I’ve been working on updating our guest bathroom. We’ve lived here for over 5 years now and I decided it was finally time to tackle it. I’ve never been a big fan of the green and maroon tile among other things but tried to work with what I had over the years. In the last few years we installed a diy sliding door that made much more sense in the space than a swinging one, painted the cabinets white, added a diy ladder basket and I’ve painted the walls a few different colors.

Over the weekend I added board and batten in here which you can see a portion of in the picture below. I will have a full tutorial on all the details of that coming soon. (Update: Click here for the full tutorial!) I can’t wait to show you guys! But lets get to today’s topic, updating the floors!

I really have never been a fan of the grout color and wanted to modernize the room a little bit so after doing a ton of research, I decided to stain the grout.



This turned out so good! I really do think it gives off a more modern vibe and helps the tiles pop a little more with the contrasting black grout. I am bringing in some black hardware to this space so it will tie in nicely with the floors.

After doing lots of research, I ended up going with this Modern Stone Technologies Grout Color Sealer. You can purchase it here.

How to Use Grout Stain

I used a toothbrush to rub the stain into the grout; simply wipe up the stain on the tile (you WILL get some on there) with a damp rag and you are done. Easy peasy!

I started behind the toilet just in case I didn’t like it or it didn’t work.

Some tips: use a kids toothbrush if you can, the smaller the better. Also make sure you a have a firm brush-head because it is definitely easier to work with than a soft one. A damp towel worked good to clean up the stain on the tiles but just make sure you have a couple on hand.

This project took me about an hour tops. I did have to go over a few spots twice. Overall this was a super easy, quick change up and gave our floors a whole new look!

Thanks for stopping by!

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