Home Decorating

Floating Shelves in Laundry Room


For a few weeks now I have had these floating shelves sitting in my laundry room, waiting to be hung up. These are some of my favorite shelves, I also have them in my dining room which you can see HERE. Today I was finally able to hang them up during Emersyn’s nap time!

A lot of people ask me when I find time to do projects. Nap time is honestly game time for me. I usually always make myself do a load of laundry or something else on my to do list that NEEDS to be done before I allow myself to get immersed in a project. Most the time anyways; sometimes laundry can wait! 😉 Also, when all my girls go to bed, I sometimes stay up late and get projects done or on the weekends when Matt is home to help watch the girls. And sometimes I just do it with the kids in tow and make it work!



I really love how these shelves turned out! A lot of times when I make over a space I will try to make do with whatever I have on hand. The drying rack was a garage sale find that I’ve had for a few years. Once I make a space over I will continue to swap things out overtime to make the space work and look better. I did this process with my guest bathroom; added some wallpaper to it a few months later that I absolutely love. You can go HERE to see that post.

Another thing I always try to do when decorating a space is shopping my own home. All of the items on this shelf were things I had in different rooms around my home. You don’t have to always go out and buy new stuff, (although that is super fun as well).

I didn’t have any prints to put in this frame so tore a page out of an old book.

On Instagram stories yesterday I talked about how I used to be TERRIBLE when it came to hanging things in our home. I really didn’t think studs mattered and didn’t see the point of them and just really had no clue what I was doing. I cringe when I think about all of the holes, big ones, I put in our walls. It’s kind of funny though to think about now! Luckily, my carpentry skills have improved since then and so I find these shelves pretty easy to hang.

We all got to start somewhere, right?!

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