Spring Cleaning with Berry Berry Quite Contrary
I always look forward to spring cleaning; do you guys?! Anytime I organize or deep clean a space, it brings me joy. When the areas around me are clean, simplified and organized, I find internally, I feel more at peace. It doesn’t mean that every area in my house is always in tip-top shape; I wish! But it does mean I am constantly working towards having a clean, organized home.

This year, I am going to be starting my spring cleaning a little earlier than usual. It has been FREEZING here so we have been stuck inside more than usual which gives me the opportunity to start working on cleaning areas of my home. I created a Spring Cleaning checklist for you all and myself!
Printable Checklist

Save the image to your computer and then print! Or you can simply screenshot it on your phone. I like to physically have a paper in front of me and check things off so I am going to print mine out. I left a little space for you to add any extra cleaning/organizing duties for your own home.

Anyone else a huge list person like myself?! I make a list every. single. day. to help me stay on task. Seems like such a simple thing but as a stay at home mom, having a list is a must for me. Having a list of what I need to do for every room will help me be more detailed in my cleaning!

Spring Cleaning Tips
At the top of each printable page I have some cleaning/organizing tips for you all. I think one of the biggest tips to keep in mind is, less is more. Only keep what brings you and your family joy. Ever since Marie Kondo came around I have gotten rid of SO much stuff. It feels great to simplify. The other biggest tip I have is to go room by room. Stay in one room until you are done with it, even if it takes you a week. Floating back and forth from one room to the next will make you feel like less progress is taking place and can be overwhelming.

About 7 months ago I switched over to this non-toxic cleaner and have been so happy with it. I pretty much only use this now to clean our whole home. Go to this post to read more about it and if you’d like to order go here. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have in the comments section or reach out to me on my Instagram account!

Another idea is to add a plant or two to a couple spaces in your home as you start spring cleaning. Plants scream spring and bring so much life to a space. They are also good for purifying your air and removing toxins!

Hopefully this list will help you get started on cleaning & organizing your home! I know it is going to help me!

Happy Spring Cleaning!!!!