Home Decorating

Faux Brick Continued in Dining Room


Hello! Lately, I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blog- which makes me sad. It seems like these days our world is all about instant and so I’ve been focusing more of my time on Instagram making reels and such. Making reels is fun but my main passion has always been writing and sharing on here. So hello again and welcome back if it’s been some time since you’ve been here!

My main focus the last few months has been the downstairs guest bathroom makeover which you can see here. The older 2 girls are the ones who mainly use it and they both still love it and every time I go in there it makes me happy- so the makeover was a success! I’ve been itching to do some projects lately and decided to tackle my dining room and kitchen a few days ago.


When we did our kitchen makeover last year I had the idea to bring my faux brick into the dining room on this wall but at the time was overwhelmed with everything we had going on so decided to just paint it. Looked good but I’ve continued to have the idea of advancing the faux brick into this area.


A subtle change but doing this really helps tie this area of the kitchen to the other parts.

I really like the texture this faux brick adds- I’ve done the faux brick in our laundry room as well as our kitchen. To see the full tutorial on how to do this faux brick go to this post.

My favorite thing about this brick is the texture it adds to the space and the fact I can paint it whatever color I want down the road. Also, a huge plus is it is SO affordable!

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