Dark Painted Laundry Room With Faux Brick Backsplash
Are you all tired of my laundry room yet?!?!? I wouldn’t blame you if you were! Recently, I gave my laundry room a winter refresh which you can see here. The next day I decided to paint it dark which then turned into me doing my faux brick that I love so much as well as changing up a few other things in the room. Snowball effect! Always! I liked the white but for a while now wondered what it would look like painted a dark color. I recently used wrought iron in our kitchen makeover and decided one late afternoon to just go for it.
Dark Painted Laundry Room

Painting your trim the same color as the wall is something that is trending in the design world; I decided to paint the trim the dark color as well. Not necessarily because it is trending but more so because our trim is damaged and a darker color covers the damage up better than white. Our trim is mdf which means if it gets just a little bit wet it warps and peels and there is no saving it. Quite annoying and basically all of our trim will have to replaced someday down the road. But for now, the dark paint does the trick!

I decided to keep the bead board white and I’m glad I did.

Faux Brick Backsplash
After painting the room dark I decided the room needed some more texture and I did my faux brick on this wall.

This was done in less than 24 hours and is such an affordable, easy diy. To see my detailed process you can go to this post.

Look at that gorgeous texture!! And if you weren’t the wiser, would you know this is “fake brick”?! I don’t know if I would!

I got rid of a large cubby type piece and simplified my counter. It may not look “simple” to some but to me- it is!

We keep dog treats in this jar and this $1 garage sale find shelf holds a lot of my essential oils.

Yesterday this light came in and I installed it over my 2 floating shelves. I don’t want to pay to have it hardwired so purchased this battery operated lightbulb. It comes next week so I’ll update this post and let you all know how I like it! The brass against the dark walls makes my heart happy!

I have made over this laundry room more times than I can count. The last 6 weeks we’ve been dealing with lots of sickness going throughout our home. Being a mom and taking care of my family is my top priority. But there comes a time where I need a mental break and this laundry room was my break. Something I could put my time and energy into that didn’t involve cleaning, viruses, kids, kleenex and mothering. Even though it was work- I appreciated it! I hope whoever is reading this has that something that they can every once in awhile put their time and energy into that feels like a break to you. If you don’t, I encourage you to find that something that does!

Thank you for coming to my little corner of the internet!
xoxo Kayla